Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory

Game:Don't Think Twice

Revision as of 05:09, 21 January 2024 by Aid1043 (talk | contribs) (Co-op)

Track Plate (Don't Think Twice) KHMOM.png
Don't Think Twice
Track information
Track type Memory Dive Memory Dive
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
Regular Performer
Beginner difficulty icon 4 249 111Performer Style icon
Standard difficulty icon 9 381 94Performer Style icon
Proud difficulty icon 13 455 85Performer Style icon
Dropped materials
Material Initial M. LV2
The Lightning Shard material sprite Lightning Shard 60% 59.9%
The Mythril Gem material sprite Mythril Gem 40% 39.9%
The Soothing Crystal material sprite Soothing Crystal 0.1%
Collector's Card pack 34

Track Plate (Destiny Islands) DI KHMOM.png
Don't Think Twice
Track information
Track type Field Battle Field Battle
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
Regular Performer
Beginner difficulty icon 3 77 34Performer Style icon
Standard difficulty icon 8 100 39Performer Style icon
Proud difficulty icon 14 140 48Performer Style icon
Dropped materials
Material Initial M. LV2
The Lightning Shard material sprite Lightning Shard 60% 59.9%
The Mythril Gem material sprite Mythril Gem 40% 39.9%
The Soothing Crystal material sprite Soothing Crystal 0.1%
Collector's Card pack 34

Track information
Track type Co-op Field Battle Co-op Field Battle
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
P1 P2
Beginner difficulty icon 3 59 55
Standard difficulty icon 9 73 71
Proud difficulty icon 14 90 87

"Don't Think Twice" is a Memory Dive and Field Battle track in Kingdom Hearts Melody of Memory. The Memory Dive is set against various cutscenes from throughout Kingdom Hearts III, whereas the Field Battle is set in Destiny Islands as it appears in Kingdom Hearts. It is unlocked as a reward for earning 20000 Rhythm Points.

The Co-op version of the "Don't Think Twice" Field Battle is unlocked by default.


Memory Dive

Field Battle


Standard Moving Multi-Attack Ranged Attack Jumping Pop-Up Ability
Ground Near
Large Body
Creeper Plant
Gigas Shadow
Aerial Far
Red Nocturne
Air Soldier
Red Nocturne
Air Soldier


Don't Think Twice (Field, Proud Mode) Don't Think Twice (Dive, Proud Mode)