World Tour information
Clear with 30% HP or more
Miss 18 times or fewer
Defeat 60% or more of Aquatank enemies
Clear Reward
"Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS Material
Parameter |
plate |
Track Plate image. See this category for all Track Plates. Only use "(Location) World Tag", i.e. "(Atlantica) AT"
title |
Song title.
scroll |
Use this if the title is too long for a still image.
type |
Track type. Either "field", "dive", or "boss". Automatically adds to category.
ally |
Party member that can appear in the track.
origin |
Origin of the song. Use game abbreviations; for albums, use "piano", "pianofb", "orchestra", or "other".
lv1, lv2, lv3 |
Difficulty level for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
notes1, notes2, notes3 |
Number of notes for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
perf1, perf2, perf3 |
Number of magenta performer notes for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
mat1, mat2, mat3 |
Materials that drop in the stage. mat3 is optional.
destati |
Used for "Dive into the Heart -Destati-" and other nonstandard tracks (removes excess fields)
hikari |
Used exclusively for the intro version "Simple and Clean" (removes excess fields)
World Tour
world |
Name of World the track appears in. If the world is "Melody of Memory's End", the remaining fields can be excluded.
color |
Color of stars earned from missions.
m1, m2, m3 |
Missions in World Tour.
reward |
Reward for clearing the song/both songs in a world.
rewardimg |
Image of the reward.
|plate=(Atlantica) AT
|title=An Adventure in Atlantica
|mat1=Blazing Shard
|mat2=Pulsing Gem
|m1=Clear with 30% HP or more
|m2=Miss 18 times or fewer
|m3=Defeat 60% or more of Aquatank enemies
|reward="Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS Material
|rewardimg=MS Material KHMOM