
Revision as of 17:12, 23 November 2023 by Aid1043 (talk | contribs) (Intro version of "Simple and Clean")


Track Plate (Atlantica) AT KHMOM.png
An Adventure in Atlantica
An Adventure in Atlantica
Track information
Track type Field Battle Field Battle
Party member Ariel's sprite Ariel
Diff. Lv No. of Notes
Regular Performer
Beginner difficulty icon 2 102 ??Performer Style icon
Standard difficulty icon 7 155 ??Performer Style icon
Proud difficulty icon 14 247 74Performer Style icon
Dropped materials
The Blazing Shard material sprite Blazing Shard The Pulsing Gem material sprite Pulsing Gem

World Tour information
Blue star icon Clear with 30% HP or more
Blue star icon Miss 18 times or fewer
Blue star icon Defeat 60% or more of Aquatank enemies
Clear Reward
MS Material images "Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS Material
Parameter Description
plate Track Plate image. See this category for all Track Plates. Only use "(Location) World Tag", i.e. "(Atlantica) AT"
title Song title.
scroll Use this if the title is too long for a still image.
type Track type. Either "field", "dive", or "boss". Automatically adds to category.
ally Party member that can appear in the track.
origin Origin of the song. Use game abbreviations; for albums, use "piano", "pianofb", "orchestra", or "other".
lv1, lv2, lv3 Difficulty level for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
notes1, notes2, notes3 Number of notes for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
perf1, perf2, perf3 Number of magenta performer notes for Beginner, Standard, and Proud.
mat1, mat2, mat3 Materials that drop in the stage. mat3 is optional.
destati Used for "Dive into the Heart -Destati-" and other nonstandard tracks (removes excess fields)
hikari Used exclusively for the intro version "Simple and Clean" (removes excess fields)
World Tour
world Name of World the track appears in. If the world is "Melody of Memory's End", the remaining fields can be excluded.
color Color of stars earned from missions.
m1, m2, m3 Missions in World Tour.
reward Reward for clearing the song/both songs in a world.
rewardimg Image of the reward.


|plate=(Atlantica) AT
|title=An Adventure in Atlantica
|mat1=Blazing Shard
|mat2=Pulsing Gem
|m1=Clear with 30% HP or more
|m2=Miss 18 times or fewer
|m3=Defeat 60% or more of Aquatank enemies
|reward="Part of Your World" Memory Dive MS Material
|rewardimg=MS Material KHMOM