Flame Arcanum
(ブレイズアルカナム Bureizu Arukanamu?, lit. "Blaze Arcanum")
Flame Arcanum KHUX.gif
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Reversed All 2 7★: x7.72 - 8.40
SN: x10.77 - 14.92
7★: Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR by 3, ↓ targets' DEF by 1. Inflicts more damage the more gauges are full.
SN: Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: ↑ R-STR 10, STR 15, SP ATK B +170%, ↓ targets' R-DEF 10, DEF 15. Count +1. Damage+: the more gauges are full.
Flame Arcanum EX
(ブレイズアルカナム改 Bureizu Arukanamu Kai?, lit. "Blaze Arcanum Revision")
Attributes Target Gauge Cost Damage
Power Reversed All 3 SN++: x20.20
SN++: [Fail to imitate SP attack of 3 Medals before] Deals 13 hits. 1 turn: Medal STR +10000, self [↑ STR, R- & PSM-STR 15], targets [↓ DEF, R- & PSM-DEF 15], SP ATK B +220%.

Flame Arcanum is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Union χ.


In Kingdom Hearts Union χ, Flame Arcanum is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 2 special attack gauges to perform. It inflicts more damage the more special attack gauges are full. Flame Arcanum +7 also increases enemy counters by 1.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Flame Arcanum +5 6★ x2.26 - 2.94 x2.32 - 3.00 x2.38 - 3.06 x2.44 - 3.12 x2.50 - 3.18 x2.56 - 3.24 13
Flame Arcanum +6 7★ x7.72 - 8.40 13
Flame Arcanum +7 SN
x10.77 - 14.92 13

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +7 +5-6 +7
Flame Arcanum   +3   +15
  -1   -15
1 turn

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Flame Arcanum +5 6★ x2.07 - 2.94 x2.13 - 3.00 x2.19 - 3.06 x2.25 - 3.12 x2.31 - 3.18 x2.37 - 3.24 13
Flame Arcanum +6 7★ x7.72 - 8.40 13
Flame Arcanum +7 SN
x10.77 - 14.92 13

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+5 +6 +7 +5-6 +7
Flame Arcanum   +3   +15
  -1   -15
1 turn

Flame Arcanum EX is a special attack that targets all enemies. It costs 3 special attack gauges to peform. It copies the special attack of the medal placed 3 slots in front of it. If it fails to copy a special attack, it triggers its own special attack.

Special attack Rarity Base •• ••• •••• ••••• Hits
Flame Arcanum EX +6 7★ x20.20 13

Special attack Player Buff Target Debuff Duration
+6 +6
Flame Arcanum EX   +10000
1 turn

Learning Flame Arcanum

Kingdom Hearts Union χ

See also