Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep Final Mix

Pulse Bomb

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Pulse Bomb
(パルスボム Parusu Bomu?)

Pulse Bomb KHBBS.png

Launch energy blasts from the tip of your Keyblade and bombard targets with a series of small explosions. Has a high lock-on count.
LV CP Required Attack No. of Hits Power Additional inputs
LV1 Pulse Bomb 1~11 1.3 None
Additional input 3/6/9~12[1] 0.65
LV2 550 Pulse Bomb 1~11 1.3 3 times
Additional input 3/6/9~12[1] 0.65
LV3 600 Pulse Bomb 1~11 1.3 4 times
Additional input 3/6/9~12[1] 0.65
LV4 650 Pulse Bomb 1~11 1.3 5 times
Additional input 3/6/9~12[1] 0.65
LV5 700 Pulse Bomb 1~11 1.3 6 times
Additional input 3/6/9~12[1] 0.65
Element Status Effect Reload Speed Command Gauge
Neutral +0

Pulse Bomb is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It allows the user to charge balls of energy at the tip of their Keyblade and bombard targets with a series of small explosions.


In Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, Pulse Bomb is a Shotlock that can be used exclusively by Ventus. It has a maximum level of 5 and max lock of 20. Once the attack has begun, the player can increase the number of explosions by pressing   at the indicated times.

Learning Pulse BombEdit

Kingdom Hearts Birth by SleepEdit

  • Ventus can obtain Pulse Bomb from a chest at the Ship Hub.

Notes and referencesEdit

  1. ^ 3 hits when scoring TOO FAST or TOO SLOW, 6 hits when scoring GOOD, and 9~12 hits when scoring EXCELLENT.