Potion |
Main Road |
Castle Town Area Map |
Castle Town |
At main gate to Castle Town.
Potion |
Castle Town |
In alley west of the fountain.
Potion |
Castle Town |
On rooftop in the northern area.
Ether |
Castle Town |
North-east of the fountain, behind a house.
Ether |
Castle Town |
In the lower area.
Aquarius Relic |
Castle Town |
Complete the game. In alley west of the fountain.
Aries Relic |
Castle Town |
Complete the game. In elevated area north of the fountain.
Sagittarius Relic |
Castle Town |
Complete the game. On highest point.
Virgo Relic |
Castle Town |
Complete the game. Behind a house at the north-west section.
The World Within Area Map |
The World Within |
Near entrance.
Potion |
The World Within |
In hall with mirror floor.
Hi-Potion |
The World Within |
In hall with mirror floor.
Hi-Potion |
The World Within |
Through northern mirror, at the end of the stairs.
Hi-Potion |
The World Within |
Through western mirror, near exit.
Mega-Potion |
The World Within |
On top of circular wall in the center.
Mega-Ether |
The World Within |
Through eastern mirror, north-western chest.
Megalixir |
The World Within |
Through western mirror, on small round island.
Cancer Relic |
The World Within |
Complete the game. Behind building with northern mirror.
Gemini Relic |
The World Within |
Complete the game. In hall with mirror floor.
Leo Relic |
The World Within |
Complete the game. Through western mirror, on second island.
Libra Relic |
The World Within |
Complete the game. Through western mirror, on large island.
Pisces Relic |
The World Within |
Complete the game. Through northern mirror, at the end of the stairs.
Forest of Thorns Area Map |
Forest of Thorns |
Near entrance.
Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
Behind red vines on ledge beyond save point.
Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
In alcove north of the large area.
Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
Behind red vines in the ring-shaped area.
Hi-Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
On platform across large gaps on the right of the large area.
Hi-Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
In open area to the left of the large area.
Mega-Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
On high platform in the area with spiraling tree.
Mega-Potion |
Forest of Thorns |
In open area beyond ring-shaped area.
Ether |
Forest of Thorns |
Behind red vines near save point after long sliding section.
Ether |
Forest of Thorns |
Behind red vines across from a series of stone steps.
Scorpio Relic |
Forest of Thorns |
Complete the game. In open area beyond area with spiraling tree.
Taurus Relic |
Forest of Thorns |
Complete the game. On the lower floor near the entrance.
Depths of Darkness Area Map |
Depths of Darkness |
Near entrance.
Hi-Potion |
Depths of Darkness |
On wide path between two open areas.
Mega-Ether |
Depths of Darkness |
On lower floor near entrance.
Mega-Ether |
Depths of Darkness |
Before second open area.
Elixir |
Depths of Darkness |
On northern island at the final area.
Capricorn Relic |
Depths of Darkness |
Complete the game. On eastern island at the final area.