Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix
Kingdom Hearts III


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Proof of Connection
Proof of Connection KHIIFM.png
"Proof of winning the battle in the portal at Disney Castle. Perhaps it has changed Sora."
Japanese つながりの証
Rōmaji Tsunagari no Akashi

Translation Connection Proof
Item Rank Buy Sell
Proof of Connection
Proof of Nonexistence
Proof of Nonexistence KHIIFM.png
"Proof of defeating all the Organization XIII's replica data in the Garden of Assemblage. Perhaps it has changed Sora."
Japanese 存在しない証
Rōmaji Sonzaishinai Akashi

Translation Non-existent Proof
Item Rank Buy Sell
Proof of Nonexistence
Proof of Peace
Proof of Peace KHIIFM.png
"Proof of appeasing the Mushroom XIII. Perhaps it has changed Sora."
Japanese 安らかなる証
Rōmaji Yasurakanaru Akashi

Translation Tranquil Proof
Item Rank Buy Sell
Proof of Peace
Proof of Promises
Proof obtained from getting all lucky emblems.
"A certificate awarded to those who have collected all the luck from worlds over."
Japanese 約束の証
Rōmaji Yakusoku no Akashi

Item Rank Buy Sell
Proof of Promises
Proof of Times Past
Proof obtained for completing Critical Mode.
"A certificate awarded to those who have endured the most difficult trial of them all."
Japanese 過ぎ去りし証
Rōmaji Sugisarishi Akashi

Item Rank Buy Sell
Proof of Times Past

The Proofs are sets of key items which appear in Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Kingdom Hearts III, which are obtained after completing specific side-missions.

List of ProofsEdit

Kingdom Hearts II Final MixEdit

The Proof of Connection is obtained by defeating the Lingering Will, the Proof of Nonexistence is rewarded after defeating all of Organization XIII's Replica Data, and the Proof of Peace is given after appeasing the entire Mushroom XIII. Possessing a Proof grants Sora a crown costume modification.

Kingdom Hearts IIIEdit

Added in update 1.04 on April 23, 2019, the Proof of Promises is obtained by photographing all 90 Lucky Emblems and clearing the game, while the Proof of Times Past is obtained by clearing the game in Critical Mode. Proofs carry over through New Game+.

As of version 1.07, released on January 22, 2020, the Proof of Promises and Proof of Times Past can be exchanged at the Moogle Shop for the Oathkeeper and Oblivion, respectively.


In Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, the Proofs appear as silver orbs with a dark symbol etched onto them. The Proof of Connection has a key symbol, the Proof of Nonexistence has the Nobody emblem, and the Proof of Peace has the head of a Mushroom.

In Kingdom Hearts III, the Proofs appear as a single piece of paper with two wings on the sides and an emblem on the top. There is a pattern adorned across the sides, and text can be seen written on the paper. The wings, emblem, and color scheme of the Proofs respectively resemble the guard, Keychain, and color scheme of the Keyblades they can be exchanged for; the Proof of Promises is themed after Oathkeeper, while the Proof of Times Past is themed after Oblivion.