Quotes:Jiminy's Journal

Revision as of 16:59, 5 April 2022 by TheSilentHero (talk | contribs)

This page contains a list of quotes said by Jiminy's Journal during the course of Kingdom Hearts II, Kingdom Hearts coded, and Kingdom Hearts Re:coded.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Thank Naminé."
    after the opening scene.

Kingdom Hearts coded

  • "We must return to free them from their torment."
    giving a message to Jiminy and during the ending.
  • "Their torment has been lessened."
    giving another message.
  • "No door is barred to those who heal?"
    after Mickey and the others are trapped.

Kingdom Hearts Re:coded

  • "Their hurting will be mended when you return to end it."
    giving a message to Jiminy.
  • "There's a road for the taking if you end our world's aching."
    when Data-Sora is in the Secret Place.
  • "There are more hurts than the one you have just undone."
    after Data-Sora defeats Darkside.
  • "Undo the hurt to unbar the way."
    after Mickey and the others are trapped.