Kingdom Hearts (game)
Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

Storm's Eye (ability)

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This article is about Peter Pan's ability.
You may be looking for the ring.

Storm's Eye
(ウインドフィールド Uindo Fīrudo?, lit. "Wind Field")
Wrap yourself in a protective whirlwind. [Defense skill. Cost: 2 MP.]
Attack Element Power Crit
Deflect Recoil
(Aero) None 0%
(Aerora) None Max MP x2 +6[KH I]
Max MP x2 +8[KH I FM]
(Aeroga) None Max MP x2 +6[KH I]
Max MP x2 +8[KH I FM]
AP Cost 3 MP Cost 2

Storm's Eye is a technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts. It allows the user to wrap themselves in a protective whirlwind.


In Kingdom Hearts, Storm's Eye is a combat ability exclusive to Peter Pan. It is a defensive skill that costs 3 AP to equip and 2 MP to use. The effect of the ability depends on the number of times Sora obtained the power of wind.

Learning Storm's EyeEdit

Kingdom HeartsEdit

  • Peter Pan has Storm's Eye as a default ability.