Hello. This is my webpage for the KH Wiki. I've been a huge KH fan for many years since KHII came out and I played every game (currently finished KHIII + Remind on the PC; haven't completed DDD).
I also read the KHIII manga and try to update stuff whenever there are more chapters coming depending on JP timezone and US timezone. Also planning to get the Sora SSBU DLC once it comes out.
- Favorite Game: KHIIFM, KHIIIRM (PC Ver), and KH 358/2 Days (played DS Ver)
- Favorite songs: Darkness of the Unknown, Another Side Another Story, Roxas, Vector to the Heavens, Forze ze Male, YX Battle Theme, Other Promise.
- Favorite Bosses: Roxas (Original + Data), Xemnas (KHII + KHIII), Axel (KHII), Data Xion, Data Vanitas
- Bosses I've perfect-ran: Roxas (Original + Data), Data Saix (KHII), Data Xemnas (KHII), Axel (Original + Data), Data Marluxia (KHII), Data Luxord (KHII), Lingering Will (Kingdom Key), Terra-Xehanort (BBS), Vanitas (Ventus BBS), Data Xion (KHIIIRM), Data Vanitas (KHIIIRM), (to be added)