Well, we, as a wiki, like to vote. The Mirage Arena is a great example of that, and I have to say featured media has exceeded everyone's expectations, methinks.
We've improved in quality overall since we stopped Featured Articles, and even more so since we've re-added them as staff only. I think we have a lot more wiki members who know what quality means and are willing to help and polish something so it's at its best.
Therefore, I would like to propose, in December, (for the January article, natch), we return Featured Articles to the hands of all the editors. I do think we should use the same system as featured media (restrained categories), as that has worked very well in producing a wide range of winners, and perhaps borrow and modify a couple of guidelines from FF Wiki's procedures, such as so many nominees before voting starts. If need be, we can re-tool things as we go along to make it work more smoothly, but I think this is a step we should take.
What say you, fellow staffers? Viva la editors! (Don't hit me, TroisNyx. ^_^)