Airstep KHIIIRM.gif

Airstep is a Flowmotion technique that appears in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to quickly navigate the environment and move to a target's position.


As seen in the Jump Festa 2016 trailer, Sora was able to use Airstep to a series of enemies.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Airstep is a Flowmotion technique exclusive to Sora. It can be activated after Sora enters the Shotlock menu and by pressing   when locked onto a target. When used on the environment, Sora can Airstep to multiple targets locked on in the Shotlock menu, while in combat, he can only target the last enemy targeted.

Learning Airstep

Kingdom Hearts III

  • Sora can use Airstep after arriving at the end of the Corridors in the Realm of the Gods.

Other Appearances

Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind

  • Kairi's ability Strike Shift resembles Sora's Airstep. Unlike Sora, Strike Shift is activated automatically when she is far away from an enemy.

See also