Hello. This my webpage for the KH Wikia. I've been a huge KH fan for many years since KHII came out and I played every game (currently finished KHIII + Remind on the PC; haven't completed DDD).
I also read the KHIII manga and try to update stuff whenever there are more chapters coming depending on JP timezone and US timezone.
- Favorite Game: KHIIFM and KH 358/2 Days (played DS version)
- Favorite songs: Darkness of the Unknown, Another Side Another Story, Roxas, Vector to the Heavens, Forze ze Male, YX Battle Theme, Other Promise.
- Favorite Bosses: Roxas (Original + Data), Xemnas (KHII + KHIII), Axel (KHII), Data Xion, Data Dark Riku
- Bosses I've perfect-runned: Roxas (Original + Data), Data Saix (KHII), Data Xemnas (KHII), Axel (Original + Data), Data Marluxia (KHII), Data Luxord (KHII), Lingering Will (Kingdom Key), Terra-Xehanort (BBS), Vanitas (Ventus BBS), Data Xion (KHIIIRM)...