Like I mentioned earlier, if its occassional and not excessive/bashing I don't really have a problem with it. I not particularly fond of curse words, but its just a reality we must accept; people are going to curse, we cannot stop that.
About the user rights, it would be like me kicking a user for saying "suck" or "hell" since I find those offensive (this is an example)! My point is, there will be cursing/swears everywhere and anywhere you go, that is just a fact we must accept. I propose that we (operators and users) do our best to minimalize swearing and such on the IRC channel. This will lower some of the swearing and such. To be honest, I haven't really seen a major/noteworthy problem with cursing on the channel as of late. I've seen the occasional "hell", "sucks", and (RARELY) the "f-bomb".
Also, by certain swear words I don't mean the racial, "c-word", (other) "p-word", etc. I'm talking about the usual swear words. I would like to also point out that a user can on the IRC can use the /ignore nick function and the /clear function.