Oh no! The water! I'm in big trouble if I don't fetch it!
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Flavors are consumable items introduced in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. Flavors are dropped as Delicious Prizes by the Prize Pods hiding throughout the worlds, with the specific Flavors dropped depending on the world. They are used at the Ice Cream Shop in order to synthesize Ice Cream commands, regardless of whether their respective Command Styles have been unlocked. Once the first batch of a specific Ice Cream command is made, the command is put up for sale at the Ice Cream Shop so that further commands can be obtained either by spending munny or continued mixing of Flavors.
Flavors have their own tab in the "Items" menu and are represented by the icon of a blue pot. They are always deposited from the inventory to to the Ice Cream Shop whenever it is visited in return for the appropriate Ice Cream commands.
The original Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep released for the PSP mistakenly used the Topping icon, rather than the Fruit icon.
In the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD ReMIX port of Birth by Sleep, the "Topping" icon was modified to read "Spice" instead.
The Final Mix item "Rich Marshmallow" mistakenly uses the Topping icon, rather than the Candy icon.
List of Flavors
Type | Ingredient | Location | |||
World | T | V | A | ||
Dancin' Lemon (ダンシングレモン Danshingu Remon , lit. "Dancing Lemon") |
Neverland Risky Riches |
Cherryberry (瓶詰めイチゴ Binzume Ichigo , lit. "Bottled Strawberry") |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Apple Pie (夢見るリンゴ Yumemiru Ringo , lit. "Dream Apple") |
Dwarf Woodlands | ||||
Balloon Melon (バルーンメロン Barūn Meron ) |
Deep Space | ||||
Peach Fantasy (ファンタジーピーチ Fantajī Pīchi , lit. "Fantasy Peach") |
Dwarf Woodlands | ||||
Heroic Orange (英雄オレンジ Eiyū Orenji ) |
Olympus Coliseum | ||||
Melodious Grape[KH BbS FM] (メロディグレープ Merodi Gurēpu , lit. "Melody Grape") |
Disney Town | ||||
Open Sesame (オープンセサミ Ōpun Sesami ) |
Treasure Tussle Risky Riches[KH BbS FM] |
Bijou Bean (ジュエリービーンズ Juerī Bīnzu , lit. "Jewelry Beans") |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Nutty Nut (ワイルドナッツ Wairudo Nattsu , lit. "Wild Nuts") |
Dwarf Woodlands Olympus Coliseum |
Bizarro Bean (謎の豆 Nazo no Mame , lit. "Mysterious Bean") |
Deep Space | ||||
Gaspberry (秘密のラズベリ Himitsu no Razuberi , lit. "Secret Raspberry") |
Dwarf Woodlands | ||||
Crystal Sugar (クリスタルシュガー Kurisutaru Shugā ) |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Jumbo Almond (大粒アーモンド Ōtsubu Āmondo ) |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Mermaid Salt (マーメイドソルト Māmeido Soruto ) |
Neverland | ||||
Prickle Pepper (とんがりペッパー Tongari Peppā ) |
Disney Town | ||||
Toonbasco (トゥーンカレー Tūn Karē , lit. "Toon Curry") |
Disney Town | ||||
Merry Mint[KH BbS FM] (ハミングミント Hamingu Minto , lit. "Humming Mint") |
Dwarf Woodlands | ||||
Rose Honey (ローズハニー Rōzu Hanī ) |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Golden Jam (黄金ジャム Ōgon Jamu ) |
Neverland | ||||
Whipped Dream (謎のクリーム Nazo no Kurīmu , lit. "Mysterious Cream") |
Neverland | ||||
Honeybunch (トレジャーハニー Torejā Hanī , lit. "Treasure Honey") |
Neverland | ||||
Star Syrup (流れ星のシロップ Nagareboshi no Shiroppu , lit. "Shooting Star Syrup") |
Deep Space | ||||
Rainbow Syrup (虹のシロップ Niji no Shiroppu ) |
Neverland | ||||
Sky Blue Mousse (青空のゼリー Aozora no Zerī , lit. "Blue Sky Jelly") |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Cream Fluff (ふわふわクリーム Fuwafuwa Kurīmu , lit. "Fluffy Cream") |
Deep Space | ||||
Soy Milk (ソイミルク Soi Miruku ) |
Radiant Garden | ||||
Merry Dairy (ロマンスミルク Romansu Miruku , lit. "Romance Milk") |
Dwarf Woodlands | ||||
Moogle Coffee (モーグリコーヒー Mōguri Kōhī ) |
Radiant Garden | ||||
Crystal Soda (クリスタルソーダ Kurisutaru Sōda ) |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Rocket Soda (ジェットソーダ Jetto Sōda , lit. "Jet Soda") |
Radiant Garden | ||||
Fizzy Tizzy (ロケットラムネ Roketto Ramune , lit. "Rocket Lemon Pop") |
Deep Space | ||||
Galactic Caramel (銀河キャラメル Ginga Kyarameru ) |
Deep Space | ||||
Chocolate Valentine (バレンタインチョコ Barentain Choko , lit. "Valentine Chocolate") |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Thundercracker (イナズマキャンディ Inazuma Kyandi , lit. "Lightning Candy") |
Olympus Coliseum | ||||
Cotton Cloudcandy (わた雲のキャンディ Watakumo no Kyandi ) |
Olympus Coliseum | ||||
Nebula Nectar (フラワージェリー Furawā Jerī , lit. "Flower Jelly") |
Radiant Garden | ||||
Birthday Cake (バースデイケーキ Bāsudei Kēki ) |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Wedding Cake (ウェディングケーキ Wedingu Kēki ) |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Forest Muffin (森のカステラ Mori no Kasutera , lit. "Forest Castella") |
Enchanted Dominion | ||||
Rich Marshmallow[KH BbS FM] (贅沢マシュマロ Zeitaku Mashumaro , lit. "Luxurious Marshmallow") |
Castle of Dreams | ||||
Starry Sky Delight[KH BbS FM] (星空のドロップ Hoshizora no Doroppu , lit. "Starry Sky Drop") |
Treasure Tussle |