The Dusk is the most common of Nobodies, and the second weakest (next to Creeper). Dusks can be thrown off guard with a Reversal reaction command. Dusks are usually teamed up with a Creeper or some other sort of Nobody. They are first seen in Twilight Town.

Journal Entry

It is difficult to read this creature's next move, so catch it off guard with a Reversal to stop its actions. A series of attacks and Reversals can also look cool in battle!

Note: It lets its guard down when its attack is parried. This is also true for all Nobodies.


Dusks are apparently very Heartless-like in anatomy. However, they are almost completely covered by a white latex-like suit that unzips at the mouth. What lies beneath the suit remains a mystery, however a mouth similar to that of several Heartless can be seen beneath the zipper. They are sinuous and flexible, able to bend over backwards and do flips in midair.


Dusks are fairly weak and require little strategy but can be a bit troublesome in large groups at the beginning of the game, especially when paired with the Creeper Nobody. The Reversal reaction command can help as it stuns the Dusk and any surrounding Dusks and Creepers.

Dropped Items

  • Serenity Stone
  • Twilight Shard


  • Dusks apparently have a European dialect; their only spoken phrase is, "We have come for you, my liege."
  • Apparently, Dusks do acknowledge the higher ranked Nobodies (such as Roxas, to whom the above phrase is said to) as their masters.
  • Dusks are roughly the Nobody equivelent of a Neoshadow.
  • It is possible that stronger Nobodies can somehow be turned into Dusks, as Axel at one point says: "Sure, but I'm not getting turned into a Dusk for..." to Roxas and makes a similar comment earlier when he argues with Xemnas and Xaldin regarding his order to destroy Roxas.
  • They are the first sub-species of either the Heartless or Nobodies to be specifically mentioned in dialogue.