Talk:Premium Menu

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Revision as of 00:59, 1 February 2020 by Draconai (talk | contribs)


ZeroSora from reddit wrote two guides, one for the EZ Code merits and one for Pro Codes Risk-taker trophy, which includes the max points you can get from defeating the bosses with the Pro Codes on. Is this information we should include here somehow or is this purely guide/walkthrough material? --ShardofTruth 14:31, 29 January 2020 (UTC)

We could provide some information on what the best places/strategies are for the EZ merits, and how many points/PRO codes you need for the trophy, but not as detailed as in those posts. TheSilentHero 15:07, 29 January 2020 (UTC)

I just cleared Olympus with all PRO Codes on, and my ass is kicked. Come to the Talk page to share my finds because I don't remember what markup hides info on this wiki... and some hardcore has somehow already uncovered the entirety of the Challenging Adventure within FIVE DAYS of the ReMind release? Frick everything. I think my encounters with the BbS Secret Episode gave me a bias or something, because I just assumed I was gonna be on my own for this Mulch again.

Anyways, I'd say the boss applicability, max score, and maybe the star/point% formula would be viable for the page, but what we really want is the thresholds for the different ranks. I've got a score of 15000 from Olympus and only unlocked Rank M after I hit the world map. I am not hardcore enough to do any more on-site research than this, sorry. Draconai (talk) 22:30, 31 January 2020 (UTC)

Great to have you back Draconai. On which difficulty do you play? I started on Beginner but I also just arrived in Toy Box. My rank only went to M after defeating the Demon Tide in Twilight Town and reaching 20,000 points. Did you check the menu on the premium menu on the world map and it leveled up? Getting the trehsholds will be a pain, I don't understand why the menu doesn't show when you hit the next rank like with normal exp. --ShardofTruth 00:24, 1 February 2020 (UTC)

Haha, less "back to the wiki" and more "back to the talk pages". I was on Beginner, too. I got a PRO Code Merit popup after I offed the Tornado Titan for 10000 and a shield; as soon as I was in the Gummi Ship, I menu'd to the world map, hit Start and Touchpad, and I got a big notification to tell me I'd hit M Rank. I haven't even gotten to Twilight Town yet, and honestly I don't think I want to. I'm not a challenge gamer. I did Critical Mode with all the EZ Codes on to try and get Oblivion and was dying in one hit as much as the enemies were. #RocketTagGameplay Draconai (talk) 00:59, 1 February 2020 (UTC)