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Le Grand Bistrot is a dining establishment in Twilight Town, founded by Scrooge McDuck and run by Little Chef.
Kingdom Hearts III
During his travels, Scrooge encounters Little Chef after enjoying one of his dishes. As Little Chef wants to expand his culinary horizons, Scrooge takes the little rat's desire as an opportunity and funds Le Grand Bistrot in Twilight Town to help Little Chef fulfill his dream.
When Sora, Donald, and Goofy visit Twilight Town, they pass by Le Grand Bistrot, where they encounter Scrooge. Scrooge offers the trio a tarte aux fruits that Little Chef made as a token of gratitude for them rescuing him from the Heartless, and introduces Little Chef as the chef of the bistrot. As Little Chef wants to cook more culinary delights for Sora and company, Scrooge has the trio collect ingredients for Little Chef. As the trio collect ingredients on their quests, they often visit the restaurant, with Sora and Little Chef cooking meals and raising the restaurant to five stars.
During their travels, Sora and company are contacted by Chip and Dale, who inform them that Merlin is waiting for them to have a cup of tea. Realizing that Merlin is waiting for them at Le Grand Bistrot, the trio set forth to Twilight Town, where they encounter Merlin. At the restaurant, Merlin explains that Sora is missing on the cover of the Old Book, the home of the 100 Acre Wood, and has Sora enter the book to reconnect with his friends. Sora learns that his fall to darkness by Xehanort had caused his removal from the cover and Pooh's heart, and realizes that his connections are becoming weaker.
- Mushroom Terrine (キノコのテリーヌ Kinoko no Terīnu )
- Scallop Poêlé (ホタテのポワレ Hotate no Poware )
- Ratatouille (ラタトゥイユ Ratatuiyu )
- Lobster Mousse (オマールのムース Omāru no Mūsu )
- Caprese Salad (トマトのカプレーゼ Tomato no Kapurēze , lit. "Tomato Caprese")
- Consommé (コンソメ Konsome )
- Pumpkin Velouté (カボチャのヴルーテ Kabocha no Vurūte )
- Carrot Potage (ニンジンのポタージュ Ninjin no Potāju )
- Crab Bisque (渡りガニのビスク Watarigani no Bisuku )
- Cold Tomato Soup (トマトの冷製スープ Tomato no Reisei Sūpu )
- Sole Meunière (舌ビラメのムニエル Shitabirame no Munieru )
- Eel Matelote (ウナギのマトロート Unagi no Matorōto )
- Bouillabaisse (ブイヤベース Buiyabēsu )
- Sea Bass en Papillote (スズキの紙包み焼 Suzuki no Kamizutsumi-yaki , lit. "Paper-Wrapped Sea Bass")
- Seafood Tartare (海鮮のタルタル Kaisen no Tarutaru )
- Sea Bass Poêlé (スズキのポワレ Suzuki no Poware )
- Sweetbread Poêlé (リードヴォーのポワレ Rīdōvō no Poware )
- Beef Sauté (牛肉のソテー Gyūniku no Sotē )
- Beef Bourguignon (牛ほほ肉のワイン煮 Ushi Hohoniku no Wain-ni , lit. "Beef Cheeks Boiled in Wine")
- Stuffed Quail (うずらのファルシ Uzura no Farushi )
- Filet Mignon Poêlé (牛フィレ肉のポワレ Ushi-fire-niku no Poware , lit. "Beef Filet Poêlé")
- Chocolate Mousse (ムースショコラ Mūsu Shokora , lit. "Mousse Chocolat")
- Fresh Fruit Compote (フレッシュコンポート Furesshu Konpōto , lit. "Fresh Compote")
- Crêpes Suzette (クレープシュゼット Kurēpu Shuzetto )
- Berries au Fromage (ベリーフロマージュ Berī Furomāju , lit. "Berry Fromage")
- Warm Banana Soufflé (バナナの温スフレ Banana no Nuku Sufure )
- Fruit Gelée (フルーツジュレ Furūtsu Jure )
- Tarte aux Fruits (タルトゥ オ フリュイ Tarutu o Furyui )