Kingdom Hearts III

Donald Meteor

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Donald Meteor (ドナルドメテオ Donarudo Meteo?) is a Team Attack that appears in Kingdom Hearts III. It allows the user to team up with Donald Duck and summon meteors which crash down on enemies, dealing heavy damage.


In Kingdom Hearts III, Donald Meteor is a Situation Command used by Donald Duck and Sora while Donald is in the party. When used, Donald and Sora will jump in the air and summon many spread out meteors which crash towards the targeted enemy and explode upon contact, dealing contact damage as well as damaging nearby enemies. Some meteors will go directly at the enemy, whereas others will have an offset and crash in the general direction of the targeted enemy. Upon all the meteors crashing, the area flashes white and the Situation Command ends with Donald and Sora still in midair. Donald and Sora are invincible while using this Situation Command.

Learning Donald Meteor

Kingdom Hearts III

Donald Meteor is available from the start of the game and can appear while Donald is in the party.

See Also