Shouldn't this be named as he is in game? We're not writing about the Final Fantasy character, we're writing to match the Kingdom Hearts info. Scottch 02:06, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
- I agree with Scotty-boy on this one. Names should be as proposed in the KH-game, not as the original Final Fantasy. --Hecko X 10:03, 25 January 2007 (UTC)
Edited for bad grammar and sentence fragments.
Cleaning Up
Man! This article was in such a mess that I have to clean it up. I've also added some information from the KH Ultimania. The only section that I haven't touch on yet is the KH2 section. Will get that done a.s.a.p. -DivineLady 10:47, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
....About 60% of all articles in this wiki is messed up, think that the previous version is a mess? check the earliest version before Netherith came helping in! ): -Nelo
- I have seen the previous version. And although Netherith's version helped a lot, there were still some spelling and grammar mistakes. Not to mention that the articles have to also be written in a "Wikified" manner for others to understand (this coming from a Wikipedia contributor). So that's why I cleaned it up, mostly... -DivineLady 11:00, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
Right. I suppose I should have put something up to tell you people that I had not finished editing yet but what's done is done. To this end I will be bringing some things you people deleted back up. DO NOT DELETE THEM. If you want you can help to fill the sections out. Don't worry, I will keep what you guys have added, I do not own this page after-all.
For those of you who don't know me and are concerned about me handling of this page check the Squall Leonhart page in the FFWiki. I was a major contributor to the layout and addition of information to that page as well as other such as SeeD, Gunblades and Paine.
Netherith 11:22, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
Interesting. Now I finally know why you guy(gals) hated Wikipedia(-pedians) so much-Nelo
- What was deleted that you intend to "bring back up"? --Hecko X 12:00, 2 January 2008 (UTC)