The Dancer is an elegant Nobody that appears mostly in Hollow Bastion. It is controlled by Demyx.
Dancers are of average height, wearing a pinl beanie cap, with a black chest plate. The arms, waist, and sides are left uncovered, with bellbottom pants with the Nobody symbol covering the legs. Two black wristbands and black boots finish its outfit. Dancers also are usually seen with an eeric simile.
Dancers are one of the few enemies in the series that have an explicitly female appearance.
Fighting Style
The Dancer has a very effective fighting style. It will kick Sora vigorously for an extended period of times. Each kick sends Sora a few feet into the air. The most deadly attack comes when the dancer is sliding with glowing hands; if one touches Sora while doing this, the dancer grabs Sora and jerks him around in a dance before kicking him for high damage. (This is the "low posture" the journal mentions below.) They are difficult to defeat in large numbers.
Journal Entry
A dancer. A high-ranking Nobody. It skates around the ground and quickly moves away when approached. Wait for the end of its attack to retaliate. When it approaches with a low posture, look out!
If cornered, it retaliates with its buddies with kicks and other attacks. Fight carefully when outnumbered.
Dropped Items
- Twilight Stone
- Serenity Gem