KingdomKeyDarkside - I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat. TALK - Let us all welcome one of the Keyblade's chosen.
Hey! Welcome to the Kingdom Hearts Wiki! If you need help with anything, or want a talk bubble(this thing I’m writing in right now), feel free to leave me a message on my talk page. I’ll get back to you ASAP. Again, welcome, and happy editing!
Welcome V2
Lapidothtill "As lightless oblivion devours you, drown in the ever-blooming darkness!".
HEYYYYY! Just wanted to welcome you, and if you need any help with a talk bubble or anything else, I'd be glad to help!
Lapidothtill - What sound does an Arctic Tern make, Col? TALK - BACKSTREET BOYS?
do you want me to make you one? Or show you how to make one?
1, 2, 3, 4...wait what comes after four?
LightRoxas - "I'm proud to be a small part of something bigger - the people it did choose. TALK - "I am who I am, because of them."
Lapidothtill testing LightRoxas's talk use it type in {{LightRoxas|text=YOUR TEXT HERE.}}...any other questions, or if you need anymore help just let me know!
Urgent - Revote
Please weigh in on the revote. To be clear, this revote is not to decide whether or not we will move; rather, it is going to decide where the Wiki will move to.
LapisScarab Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day. I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat.— 00:15, November 18, 2010 (UTC)
"We could find the real thieves. That would set the record straight." — 21:12, December 10, 2010 (UTC)
Hello LightRoxas I am RoxasXIIILK. I was wondering if we could be friends. By the way Roxas is my favorite Character as well... Obviously ;)
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 22:56, December 10, 2010 (UTC)
AWESOME!! :D And of course I have :D Sora is going down ;D Yea I owe Roxas a big one! If it wasn't for him I don't even know where I'd be right now! Btw way page :D and cool bubbles! I like the colors. I'm obsessed with bubbles if you haven't been able to tell yet ;) Would you like my userbox?
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 23:14, December 10, 2010 (UTC)
They most certainly do :D I made an army at 26 strong that's still growing :D I also love making sprites for them ;D I made the one first two up there :D which I awesomely proud of :D But yea so I take it you prefure the full bodies for your bubbles as opposed to the sprites.
Soxra - This party's getting crazy! Let's rock! It's showtime! - Soxxeh 01:37, December 11, 2010 (UTC)
I appreciate the flattery and all, but could you at least do me the decency of changing the font when you rip off my signature? Thanks.
Soxra - This party's getting crazy! Let's rock! It's showtime! - Soxxeh 03:06, December 11, 2010 (UTC)
Alright. I'll check with ya' tomorrow and see what you've come up with. If you need a little help, let me know.
Soxra - This party's getting crazy! Let's rock! It's showtime! - Soxxeh 03:50, December 11, 2010 (UTC)
There ya go! =) Great job.
Roxas bubble
Soxra - Behold! For my very existence refutes the will of the gods! I am a will unto my own, a power that shakes the very foundation of creation! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 1:22am, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Hehe, I quite like the quote myself. Glad you enjoyed it. =)
Synchblade - "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad..." TALK - "Yaaawn... So, when's our next day off?" Synchblade 23:57, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Hello LightRoxas. Nice to meet you! I see you've made friends with RoxasXIIILK. He's definitely someone who knows a lot about this site. Also wondering if we can be friends.
I will probably be offline tomorrow, so MERRY CHRISTMAS! And a Happy New Year!
Thank You!
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 19:25, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Haha yea you did :p lol thank you tho ^^ and a very merry christmas to you as well!! And a very happy new year!
RoxasXIIILK - Well, I wasn't designed with a Christmas outfit, BUT my coller is red ... my outfit is white like snow... oh, just read my looks on my wiki page. TALK - 19:35, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Cool!! Here's mine if you want it! {{Template:User RoxasXIIILK}}
This user sits on top of the Clock Tower to eat Ice-Cream with their good friendRoxas.
Your signature violates the newly formed Signature policy. The images in it break page lines; in layman terms, they are too big. Please change the height to 17 or less pixels or remove the images; failure to respond in accordance will result in your signature being changed. Thank you. --Ag (Silver) - 47107.8682 amu ~Crono 20:07, December 24, 2010 (UTC)
Hey There
17master - Hey, guys, check out my new camera! TALK - Oh wait, this isn't a camera... - {{{time}}}
Just wanna tell you that the Featured Article is still under staff jurisdiction. Have a nice day!
FinalRest - "I floop the pig!" TALK - 22:06, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Yeah, I managed to put my talk bubbles and such together with the help of a few people, so I'm pretty sorted in that area (or at least I think I am). If I need anything I'll ask and thanks for checking in on me! :D
Synchblade - "Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day." TALK - "I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat." Synchblade 23:33, January 9, 2011 (UTC)
Hey LightRoxas. I got my userbox up so you can put it on your page if you want.
Re: Image Help
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 23:11, January 17, 2011 (UTC)
You have to use User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2 It allows you to use external links as sprites but you wont be able to change the size so make sure its the proper size before hand. If you need any help with that Havoc or even Chitalian will have your answers. I won't be on this week due to midterms and I HAVE to do very well on them so I cant have any distractions >.>
Roxas Huh?— "But... I don't get what's been happening lately."
"A Key...blade?" — 18:09, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Dude is the User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2 not working or something???
Roxas - "I dunno. Maybe it's destiny." TALK - "You make a good other." — 18:25, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Ok dude In the bubble coding where it says TalkTextTest2 or something like that change it to User:Xiggie/TalkTemplate2 like this:
Then put in the url for the bubble ok :) If it doesn't work tell me so I can see whats wrong. And my midterms aren't over until monday but I give updates in my journal entry on my user page if ya wanna know exact how each test goes :) How did your finals go? So you're at the end of your school year then o.o I'm in the middle ;)
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 18:34, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
No problem anytime dude :) I hope it works for ya! And ah I see. lol yea the only thing I like about em is I get to go home mad early lol like monday I'm out at 10 :D lol
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 18:46, January 20, 2011 (UTC)
Lol yeah ikr :D lol I got out at 11:45 :D it's awesome!!! ^.^
See You Again Someday
Synchblade - "Oh, we do too have hearts! Don't be mad..." TALK - "Yaaawn... So, when's our next day off?" 20:01, 11 May 2011 (EDT)
Soxra - Behold! For my very existence refutes the will of the gods! I am a will unto my own, a power that shakes the very foundation of creation! Talk to me! - Soxxeh 9:36pm, May 24, 2011 (UTC)
Gladly signed.
Hey, LightRoxas, nice to meet you. I just came because Roxas said to me that he received a mail about the message you left on his talk page, but he is too busy to see it. Just saying--Dark-EnigmaXIII 19:52, 24 May 2011 (EDT)
Sephiroth0812 - Let's see what this "Light" of yours can do! TALK - I see, so that's a keyblade... - 16:07, 27 May 2011 (EDT)
Hi there, I just came upon your idea by coincidence, but as a good friend of Roxas of course I could not resist to sign as well.
The Inexistent - Dusk, Light to Darkness... TALK - The great transition.
"No, I owe him. Mickey saved me once. And I can't risk putting his friends in danger. Don't worry. I swear I'll bring him back safe." — 02:13, 29 May 2011 (EDT)
I just saw the message and looked at the petition. I have to saw I'm well blown away by the number of signatures. Thank you very much for that! :) It really means a lot to me that you went through the trouble of showing me all the people who care. Every single signature and every single kind word left by my friends, peers, and even people I've never talked to before, makes me feel really great!! :) You're awesome dude! And everyone who signed or is signing the petition I both recognize and greatly appreciate the kindness you are showing me! I really can't even say how much that all means to me!!! :) LightRoxas, you have a wonderfully great day and I will talk to you later. Roxas
Friendship is the most important thing you can have!!
Signed. I may not know the guy, but I can tell he's nice, I've seen his posts around the wiki.MechajinI fight for my friends!
Thank you very much my friend. And keep in mind you are the reason I'm here right now. Roxas 02:54, 27 June 2011 (EDT)
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 02:41, 28 June 2011 (EDT)
Well props to you my good friend ;) But I wasn't really "hurt" or "upset" so to speak. Just tired of the problems I had to think about knowing there were people ripping me apart behind my back and not knowing who they were. That was the entire problem. But you definitely fixed me up. And I appeciate that you did that :D I'd make you cookies but I'd probably poison you by accident XD
Synchblade - "Good tidings, friends. Today is a momentous day." TALK - "I am pleased to announce that a new comrade has been chosen to wear the coat." 20:05, 27 June 2011 (EDT)
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 17:53, 16 July 2011 (EDT)
Hush up child before I have to smack you ;P do not use that s word XD any how it's going fine. Yours?
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 18:08, 16 July 2011 (EDT)
Well that's great I'm glad everything's going well! :D
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 21:02, 9 September 2011 (UTC)
Lol dude, don't worry haha I'm not kissing this site goodbye. You can still contact me here and I will still reply but Im just not editing here. Thats all XD But you really should come back over here. We could use more hands and not to mention we are sooooo much nicer. :P Plus to be honest... this wiki is kinda uhmmm how do I put it lightly..... hmmm unactive :P We are like killing you guys in my opinion right now ;P Plus me DE and Soxra are setting up a wikiwide roleplay ;P Again awesomeness ;D lol. Again the invitaion is always open. :) And dont worry there is no need for us to part ways silly ;)
Roxas - "It's funny... Suddenly I feel like I don't know myself at all..." TALK - "Like I asked! Know-it-all." — 21:43, 14 September 2011 (UTC)
Haha no problem buddy! ^^ Anytime at all. Well if you're wanting to get involved in the roleplay then I'd hightail my butt over to the Keyhole and get learning ;P this is a forum about the roleplay. It was originaly going to be held on Gaia Online BUT Galexgan (the one who was in charge of the roleplay) couldn't be solid with it so Myself, DE, and Soxra have taken it over. Feel free to ask us any questions and remember you are always welcome on the IRC were all three of us are usualy present :3 talk to you soon.
Look, I appreciate you coming to my aid and all, but it's really not necessary. Sure, I was trying to help out. I noticed The Mirage Arena was 3 days overdue for an update and corrected it. However, what Erry was saying is that I should have asked him for permission before I decided to do his job- and I insulted his intelligence by not doing that.
Thank you for trying to back me up, but it's not necessary. I did something wrong, I apologized, and now the issue has been resolved. So there's no need to get mad at Erry for something that's my fault, okay?
Roxas - “One. Two... Uhmmm?” TALK - "What? I don't get it."
Uhmmmm... I... suppose I could... what's it for? EDIT: Well you're gunna have to be REALLLLYYYY specific as to what you want. And I'm gunna need images you want as well. EDIT2: Uhmmm... that BG is a bit small there buddy. EDIT3: Yea it has to be as pig as your screen or at least close to the size. And as for the images you want; are you sure you don't want more higher quality images than those?
Re:Talk Archive Image
LapisScarab - Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist. TALK - Come closer...
Thank you! I love Minecraft. I have a friend that has a Let's Play of the survival island map on YouTube.
While we're doling out compliments, I love the Whose Line reference in your Samus talk bubble.
LapisScarab - You accept darkness, yet choose to live in the light. So why is it that you loathe us who teeter on the edge of nothing? We who were turned away by both light and dark - never given a choice? TALK - That may be... however, what other choice might we have had?
His name is POTI0N. Mature content warning, though. He's actually one of the nicest funniest people I have ever met, but also has a remarkably, er, colorful vocabulary. The Yogscast is fantastic. I'm actually looking into doing Let's Plays, I've just been very busy and have no real income -.-
LapisScarab - Very good. You don't miss a thing. I cannot feel sorrow... No matter what misery befalls the worlds. No matter what you think, what you feel, or how you exist. TALK - Come closer...
Well, thank you! Don't expect anything too soon, though. I have ideas, but I'm surprisingly busy this year, and need a better mic. Either way, thanks!
Thanks but no thanks
I won't even consider contributing unless the blatant use of misinformation ends. -- 03:14, 9 October 2011 (UTC)
Hi there.
Dirk Strider Shoosh your ass down while I pap you with plush. — 00:55, 20 October 2011 (UTC)
Auuugh, Papyrus! Well, thanks for the warm welcome, though I couldn't read through half of said welcome because of your PAPYRUS... but anyways, thanks. Where should I start?
Hey, I appreciate the help, but I know how to make one, I've been editing at the wikia for a while, so I know how to, I just haven't gotten around to it. But I appreciate the help :D and It's nice to meet you! and pancakes do sound good. Chainoffire
Hello LightRoxas. I saw you welcoming a new user, and you used the welcome template. In future, use the subst:welcome template (if you want to know why, please reply). SidVI 16:54, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
If you use the subst:welcome template instead of the welcome template, it will put the current welcome template on the user's page, the template given by subst:welcome will stay the same even if the actual welcome template changes. SidVI 18:58, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Roxas Talk to Me!— "I see myself the way you remember me, and you see yourself the way I remember you."
"You make a good other..." — 19:09, 5 April 2012 (UTC)
Hey LR I have a question; why exactly did you nominate EJ for FU? What are some things about him that make him a sufficient editor? What are qualities he possesses that make him a valuable editer?... ok so that was more than one question but... eh it's whatevs :3
Thank you for saying goodbye... I do hope this wiki continues to grow in my absence. KRCCFNFistiredof beingSTEPPED ON. 02:37, 10 April 2012 (UTC)
Just wanted to give u the heads up
been browsing your user page, and you used from twice by accident where you discussed your name. :) TheFifteenthMember 20:09, 19 April 2012 (UTC)
here ya go! Make sure to request in KyoWolfe section of the forum to get it inked and colored.--Dark-EnigmaXIII 01:26, 7 May 2012 (UTC)
I saw what you said several months ago, just thanks. AlVan
Featured User
Chitalian8 Say...— Mother and Father call me Joshua. I guess you can call me Joshua, too... Since you're my dear, dear partner.
I don't see how this is my fault. You're the one who refuses to call me Pink. — 23:00, 31 May 2012 (UTC)
This time around, we actually got you up as Featured User for June 2012! Congratulations! I'd present you with a medal, but Inexistent apparently hasn't made one. I've contacted him on his talk page, and hopefully he gets around to that soon. Again, congratulations, and keep up the good work!
I Need Help
Hi, I'm new in this wiki, and I want to know the steps for making a good user page, including profile, bubble talks and icons. The link pages only makes me confused even more, by the way my username is Unknown_nightmare.
TidusTehSacrificer357 - "Odds are, you're still no match for Riku." TALK - "We took him three to one last time, and he whipped us all." - 09:48, 15 June 2012 (UTC)
Uh, yeah, hi LightRoxas. I'm not sure you remember me, as I'm from the Keyhole, but you and I talked ages ago. I just wanted to say, congratulations on being the Featured user! :D Nice to see your work is really appreciated. :P
Strangely, I'm glad to see me here too. Does that seem strange to you?
Sorry, I'm speaking nonsense. Back when I was a n00b, learning the wonders of the wiki, I stumbled across a guy named Catuse167. He is directly responsible for my multi-tier talk bubble on FFWiki, my tabber on FFWiki, MY ARENA on FFWiki, my other signature on FFWiki... The list goes on and on. As such, I am now so much better at coding! :D It's great to be back among my friends at KHwiki, I tell you.
So, if you ever wanna chat about something, then I'm your man! :)
Yes, yes, I am half-back
Its nice to be alive. My problems are not fully solved, so Im not back on the front lines, but yes, that little teaser means exactly what you think ;P--Dark-EnigmaXIII 13:25, 28 August 2012 (UTC)
End of Year Event
I'm just reminding you that you have to of completed at least one goal by the 15th or else you're unfortunately disqualified. So if you haven't completed an objective yet, just do an easy one. --TheFifteenthMember 19:32, 4 December 2012 (UTC)
Sig Help
Thanks for the help but I'm such a noob and still not getting it so could you please dumb it down some more preferably where a 5 year-old could understand. Big thanks ahead of time though. SoRiKa
Thanks so much but I did that and it just looks like this SoRiKa
I'm running out of "thank you"s lol. But one more thing if you wouldn't mind could you tell me how to make a talk bubble without having to type it all out every time I use it? SoRiKa 00:10, 13 July 2013 (UTC)
Featured User
KeybladeSpyMaster - The light'll never give up on you. You'll always find it, even in the deepest darkness! But you have to believe! TALK - You all did great! - 01:32 PM Sat, May 31, 2014 MDT
Hopefully you get this message. I've recently taken up the duty of making the Featured User Award Images. You were the last user to receive the award, however, you didn't get the image, and it's been that way for the last year and eight months. Last month, ShardofTruth uploaded an image for the award. However, we've recently changed the award image for all future recipients. Since you and FM (the last user nominated before the hiatus) didn't get the images before we started discussing the change, my intention was always to let you two choose which image you would have: the old or the new one. Your current award image is here. However, I can make you the new one, if you would like. Simply tell me, the new style is on display on the Main Page right now. Thanks, and Congratulations
Just so you know, your signature doesn't follow the rule that states the user's username must be included, and is therefore removed from the example list on the Signature Policy page. If you ever decide to become an active editor again, please change it. TheSilentHero 16:40, 26 May 2016 (UTC)