Kingdom Hearts III


Revision as of 17:54, 10 February 2019 by Kunoichi101 (talk | contribs) (depends from the vending machines before the basement savepoint)
I'm carrying on what you yourself began, and I'm creating a brand new world, one heart at a time.
Xemnas A 6★ KHUX.png
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This article is about the items from Kingdom Hearts III.
You may be looking for the items from Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.

Ingredients are a type of item in Kingdom Hearts III. They are required to play the cooking mini-game at Le Grand Bistrot in Twilight Town.

List of Ingredients

Group Ingredient Location
Meat Veal (子牛肉 Koushiniku?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Moogle Shop
Beef (牛肉 Gyūniku?) Olympus, Toy Box, Monstropolis, Moogle Shop
Quail (うずら肉 Uzura niku?) The Caribbean
Filet Mignon (牛フィレ肉 Ushi fire niku?, lit. "Beef filet") The Caribbean
Seafood Crab (渡リガニ Watarigani?) The Caribbean
Scallop (ホタテ Hotate?) Kingdom of Corona
Lobster (オマールエビ Omāruebi?) Kingdom of Corona, The Caribbean
Sole (舌ビラメ Shita birame?) Twilight Town, Moogle Shop
Eel (ウナギ Unagi?) Kingdom of Corona, Moogle Shop
Sea Bass (スズキ Suzuki?) Kingdom of Corona
Mussel (ムール貝 Mūru kai?) Kingdom of Corona, Monstropolis
Cod (タラ Tara?) Kingdom of Corona
Vegetables Pumpkin (カボチャ Kabocha?) Toy Box, 100 Acre Wood
Zucchini (ズッキーニ Zukkīni?) Kingdom of Corona
Onion (タマネギ Tamanegi?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Monstropolis, Moogle Shop
Tomato (トマト Tomato?) Toy Box, Monstropolis
Eggplant (ナス Nasu?) 100 Acre Wood
Carrot (ニンジン Ninjin?) 100 Acre Wood
Garlic (ニンニク Ninniku?) Toy Box
Celery (セロリ Serori?) Twilight Town, The Caribbean, Moogle Shop
Mushrooms Morel (アミガサタケ Amigasatake?) Olympus, Kingdom of Corona, Moogle Shop
Porcini (セップタケ Sepputake?) Olympus, Twilight Town, The Caribbean, Moogle Shop
Chanterelle (ジロールタケ Jirōrutake?) Kingdom of Corona, Moogle Shop
Portobello (マッシュルーム Masshurūmu?, lit. "Mushroom")
Black Truffle (黒トリュフ Kuro Toryufu?) Kingdom of Corona, Moogle Shop
King Oyster Mushroom (エリンギ Eringi?) Olympus, Moogle Shop
Black Trumpet (クロラッパタケ Kuro Rappatake?) Twilight Town, Kingdom of Corona, The Caribbean, Moogle Shop
Miller Mushroom (ムスロンタケ Musurontake?) The Caribbean
Herbs Cloves (クローブ Kurōbu?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Rosemary (ローズマリー Rōzumarī?) Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Thyme (タイム Taimu?) Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Bay Leaf (ローリエ Rōrie?) Olympus, Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Basil (バジル Bajiru?) Toy Box
Dill (ディル Diru?) The Caribbean
Parsley (パセリ Paseri?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Saffron (サフロン Safuron?) Moogle Shop
Fruit Apricot (アプリコット Apurikotto?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Moogle Shop
Gooseberry (グズベリー Guzuberī?) Arendelle
Lemon (レモン Remon?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Moogle Shop
Orange (オレンジ Orenji?) 100 Acre Wood
Raspberry (ラズベリー Razuberī?) Arendelle
Pear (洋ナシ Yō nashi?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Monstropolis, The Caribbean
Blackberry (ブラックベリー Burakkuberī?) Arendelle, 100 Acre Wood
Apple (リンゴ Ringo?) Olympus, Twilight Town, Arendelle, Moogle Shop
Other Cheese (チーズ Chīzu?) Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Chocolate (チョコレート Chokorēto?) Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Caviar (キャビア Kyabia?) Twilight Town, Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Butter (バター Batā?) Twilight Town, Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Olive Oil (オリーブオイル Orību Oiru?) Toy Box, Monstropolis, Moogle Shop
Cornichon (コルニッション Korunisshon?) Toy Box, Moogle Shop
Rice (ライス Raisu?) Monstropolis, Moogle Shop
Honey (ハチミツ Hachimitsu?) 100 Acre Wood
Flantastic Seven Sour Cherry (グリオットチェリー Guriotto Cherī?) Cherry Flan
Strawberry (イチゴ Ichigo?) Strawberry Flan
Blood Orange (ブラッドオレンジ Buraddo Orenji?) Orange Flan
Banana (バナナ Banana?) Banana Flan
Grapes (グレープ Gurēpu?) Grape Flan
Melon (メロン Meron?) Honeydew Flan
Watermelon (スイカ Suika?) Watermelon Flan