- Does manga count?
- art of characters never in-game: Key Art 1? Key Art 13?
- art from merch: Key Art Sky, Bonds, Beginning? Stained Glass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6?
- could be references to Disney movies
- Thumper
- Miss Bunny, Miss Bunny Snuggly
- Playing Card (Burton)
- Alice in Black (Burton)
- Aladdin board (King of Thieves?)
- Princess Jasmine board (King of Thieves?)
- Formal Mickey/Minnie, Winter Mickey/Minnie, Snow Mickey/Minnie, King/Queen Mickey/Minnie, Summer Mickey/Minnie (cartoon?)
- Terence
- Tinker Bell (cartoon?)
- Spring Donald/Daisy (cartoon?)
- Marie board (Aristocats) (also 0.2 Wardrobe?)
- King of Hearts, Fluffy Faline, Cruella de Vil, Timothy Mouse, Clarice
- look through JP only stuff: https://www.khinsider.com/kingdom-hearts-x/avatars/jp-outfits
- show up as avatar parts
- some show up as fixed Avatars in Tag Mode - the trophies they are listed as having match their game
- Warrior of Light
"Warrior of Light" (Mobile)
Warrior of Light's Armor"Knight of Chaos" (Mobile)
Garland's ArmorFirion's Hair
- Firion (Mobile).png
"Rebellion Army Soldier" (Mobile)
- Onion Knight (Mobile).png
"Onion Knight" (Mobile)
Onion Knight
("VegiKnight")- *Bartz
- *Cecil
- *FF6 Terra
("Ms.Magitek")- *Cloud C
- *Zidane
- *Squall
- *Tidus B
- *Shantotto
KH costumes in Dissidia: Cloud, Squall, Sephiroth; Tifa's Premium Heart
items: 28+, 52+, 91+
Nicotto Town
File:Clothes 89 KHX.png File:Clothes 90 KHX.png
KH in Nicotto Town http://kh13.com/forum/topic/81020-kingdom-hearts-%CF%87-and-nicotto-town-are-now-linked-play-both-of-them-to-get-special-items/
Bravely Default: Praying Brage
File:Clothes 119 KHX.png File:Clothes 120 KHX.png
KH in Praying Brage
Zootopia (2016)
Judy Hopps (306) Nick Wilde (307) Judy & Nick (438) Flash (988) Judy & Nick B (JP only)
Nick Wilde board Judy Hopps board Zootopia Raid boards More Zootopia Raid boards
The Jungle Book (2016)
King Louie (457) Mowgli & Baloo (458) Mowgli & Pals (459)
Moana (553) Maui (554)
Moana board
WORLD OF FF Cloud (590) WORLD OF FF Squall (591) WORLD OF FF Lightning (592) WORLD OF FF Sephiroth (593) WORLD OF FF Yuna (594) Tama (595) WORLD OF FF Sora (596) WORLD OF FF Lann (753) WORLD OF FF Reynn (754)
Stacked Characters boards
Sora in WoFF
Beauty and the Beast (2017)
Illustrated Belle & Beast (649)
Beast board? Belle board?
New Beast board New Belle board
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell no Tales (2017)
Jack Sparrow board Carina Smyth board
KINGDOM HEARTS Orchestra -World Tour-
Orchestra Sora (705)
Orchestra Mickey/Minnie board
LINE: Disney Tsum Tsum
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.linecorp.LGTMTMG https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/line-disney-tsum-tsum/id867964741
Tsum Tsum Pooh & Pals (760) Tsum Tsum Mickey & Minnie (761) Tsum Tsum Mickey & Pals (762) Tsum Tsum Sora & Riku (763)
Heartless Tsum quests (just cross?)
Balloon Tsum Set boards Cheshire Cat Tsum Doll Dumbo Tsum Doll Pluto Tsum Doll
KH in Tsum Tsum app
The World Ends with You
The World Ends with You Art (797) The World Ends with You Art 2 (986)
prob. Illustrated Neku
DuckTales (2017)
Huey, Dewey & Louie (966) Launchpad McQuack (965) Webby Vanderquack (967) Scrooge McDuck (968)
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dena.west.FFRK https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/final-fantasy-record-keeper/id964320334
Weapon Master Mysterious Sir quests titles
Red Mage & Black Mage board Dragoon & Dancer board
FFRK Warrior Balloon FFRK Chocobo FFRK White Mage Balloon FFRK Chocobo
FFRK Tyro Style (JP only)
Tyro (979) Dr. Mog (980) Elarra (981) FFRK Terra (982) FFRK Warrior of Light (983)
KH in FFRK app