
I remember a confirmation that Olympus Coliseum will be included (again...). But I'm not 100% sure on the source where it's stated (and I don't even have a link for it). UxieLover1994 10:44, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

I removed it from the template because it says on the KH3 page here (I believe…) that Nomura stated it is in fact Mt. Olympus, a "new world" that will be appearing in KH3 instead. -  Eternal Nothingness XIII  11:09, 15 August 2015 (UTC)

Is it Necessary to have this template locked?

Is it really necessary to have this template locked? I mean the game is coming out this year and from the latest trailers that were released hours ago, it looks like the game is coming to fruition so I don't think their's any reason to lock this page, besides we have the MANY articles, press releases from Square Enix and trailers to confirm that these elements, characters will be in the game.-- 15:22, 10 February 2018 (UTC)

The template page was locked because anonymous users kept adding information based on trailers, despite one of the users pointing the reason we try to refrain from adding things officially in the template because of past experiences where things that were shown in trailers NEVER made it into the actual game upon release. In other words, it's protected so that people who are jumping to conclusions won't accidentally end up adding elements in the game that have at least a 50% of never making into the game itself. However, I do feel like the template has been locked for long enough, so I'll lift the protection. If things get out of hand again, however, it will be locked again. I believe this is the fair course of action.--NinjaSheik 20:17, 10 February 2018 (UTC)
To be honest with most of you, the ONLY thing that I would say that's considered Removed content for KH III are the graphics, the Command menu, Sora in his KH3 outfit in Mt. Olympus in the Orchestra trailer, and a few specific scenes that might not be in the final game or altered to a specific area (e.g. Sora with the Master Keeper Keyblade, certain parts during the battle of the Rock Titan, Sora & Company visiting Rapunzel's tower etc..). But the worlds, the characters present in the last trailers (Orchestra, D23 2017, D23 Japan 2018), and especially the party members are ALL confirmed to appear in this game. Yes it's the annonymous users fault that resulted in this page being locked, but Frankly I feel that KrytenKoro took the situation way to FAR by not only keeping the Template locked but ALSO dismissing the KH3 trailers as "content to be removed" even when most of the characters, especially the worlds were going to be in the game and confirmed via press releases and interviews by Nomura and his team.--, 14 February 2018 (UTC)
First off: We're not a news site. "The game is coming out in a year" means "we still have a year before people actually need information from the wiki on this". If you want up-to-date leaks and spoilers, go to khinsider or kh13.
Second off, and should be end of discussion: Removed content. No amount of anybody saying "I really think this is going to end up in the game" is more important than actual, citeable facts, especially when the trailers still say "game still in development". Either you follow the wiki's actual policy, and provide citations to non-trailer commitments by the authors to include a topic, or the material in the trailers doesn't get treated as anything more than material that appeared in a trailer. We get this complaint every single time a game is coming up or a trailer comes out, and it's exactly as easily rebutted every single time. No. Either practice basic editorial fact-checking and responsibility, or don't edit."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 15:58, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
I've added as many cites as I could quickly find. The ones I couldn't source, I unlinked. Please find cites for them or remove them."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 17:16, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
Just enough already KrytenKoro, the game is coming out THIS year the party members from the confirmed worlds are ALL confirmed to appear and WON'T be removed and for goodness sake just stop it already. It get's frustrating just having YOU constantly say to users about "Removed content" "Removed content" when it comes the trailers of KH3 we've been receiving these last 3-4 years, and it's ironic to just see Eraqus and Xehanort as the ONLY added characters aside from Sora, Donald, Goofy and the worlds in the KH3 template and this was years before the Orchestra and the D23 trailer were released just last year.
And fyi, the ONLY Removed content for KH3 are going to be the following:
1. The Graphics (Previously was in Luminous engine in 2013 before switching Unreal Engine in 2014 onwards)
2. The Command menu (originally it was in the style of BBS before switching to the World style Command Menu in KH2)
3. Sora in his KH3 outfit in Mt. Olympus in the Orchestra trailer, even though the latest trailer revealed he's in his KH2 outfit.
4. Certain specific scenes/areas might not be in the final game or will be altered upon release (e.g. Sora with the Master Keeper Keyblade, certain parts during the battle of the Rock Titan, Sora & Company visiting Rapunzel's tower, Sora and Company in specific areas of Twilight Town etc..)-- 18:02, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
Say what YOU want and continue to criticize other users about telling them to "look at the Removed content page" for specific parts not going to be in the final game, but seriously this has gone far enough and just grow up already!!-- 18:02, 15 February 2018 (UTC)
He is being grown up. You're the one throwing a tantrum. I don't mean to offend you or attack you, but we have RULES. Follow them, or leave. Rex Ronald Rilander (talk) 05:13, 16 February 2018 (UTC)
"I don't mean to offend you or attack you, but we have RULES. Follow them, or leave." For your information, I'm not throwing a "tantrum" I'm just making my point following his "shrewd" personality on why this template should not be locked for that long prior to the release of the game this year, it's frustrating just saying that the trailers that we've got so far are in his words set to be "Removed content"!-- 05:31, 16 February 2018 (UTC)
I apologize. My mistake. But you have to understand, we can't just make an exception just because someone asks. Especially when you insult one of our hardworking, longtime contributors, just for trying to do his job and what he believes is right for the wiki.
For the record, I personally don't think much of anything that we've seen in the trailers will be removed from the final game. But I'm what you might call a "Super Optimist". Rex Ronald Rilander (talk) 03:41, 17 February 2018 (UTC)
"And fyi, the ONLY Removed content for KH3 are going to be the following:"
Unless you work on the development team, you're pulling this claim out of your ass. Go read Removed content -- this time, make sure to pay attention to stuff that was removed despite being teased in the same year the game came out.
Your inability to recognize documented history as documented history does not imply a failing on the part of the wiki or those who run it. Throwing a tantrum and insisting that your beliefs are true, in defiance of documented evidence and historical precedent, will not change the nature of reality.
Throughout all of your shouting, all of your insisting, you've yet to make even the most minor attempts at providing usable citations. I took a few hours out of my busy schedule, despite being retired from the wiki, and found sources for a ton of characters that I then cited -- some of whom you even removed, claiming there was no evidence for them despite me pasting the url. This wiki is not your fansite. It is not your news site. It is an encyclopedia of citable knowledge, and if that means that we don't have the newest scoops until the game comes out, then so be it. The second this template was put on articles other than Kingdom Hearts III, it became subject to the standard citation rules. Furthermore, it's a navbox, not a character roster. It's entire purpose is to let readers follow the links to articles on the topic -- and half of those articles don't even exist yet because we don't have information to fill them. This is the most nonsensical and blatantly-policy-violating place to be pushing the "let's use trailers" argument.
I'm sad that I have to be so blunt about this, but your abject denial of objective reality has been coddled for long enough."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 17:01, 1 March 2018 (UTC)

Jessy, Bullseye and Pegasus

Exactly, where they are confirmed?-- 17:26, 15 February 2018 (UTC)

In the source given when I posted them."We're werewolves, not swearwolves." (KrytenKoro) 16:58, 1 March 2018 (UTC)