The guide has 3D renders of every enemy, and names the ??? which were left unnamed in the Japanese game - one of them is the "Leechgrave's Tentaclaw", and the other two are "Unknown" (like in FM), appearing to be Xion on the run from the Organization.
I pretty much just want to get to do the stat-boxes and name-moving - it's really important that as we add the translated names, we move the old articles, so we don't artificially inflate the weapon and enemy lists. "Artful Flyer", for example, which is redundant to the Flying Arts, I think.
For anyone who's interested, they abandoned a lot of the prior translations, and missed quite a few of the puns. The Master-Butler-Arts line was reinterpreted as fighting names rather than as the university degree pun-names, and most of the Heartless which have appeared before were renamed - Surveillance Robot is Watcher, Mega Shadow is Mega-Shadow, etc. We're going to have to figure out how to deal with this, because, well, the dubbers weren't paying enough attention for this game, or did not look over the previous games first.