Template:Enemy Maurice is a character in Kingdom Hearts χ. He originally appeared in the animated film Beauty and the Beast and is Belle's father.
Kingdom Hearts χ [chi]
He's first appears when Belle found him after she learning the situation of him, Beast allows her to leave the castle so she can help him. However they being attack by several Rabid Dog Heartless, both father and daughter are saved by the player. Then, Belle asks the player to return to Beast as she accompanies Maurice home. After he recovers, and he realized that Belle liked the castle.
After he and Belle learn that Gaston decide to eliminate the Beast, they returns to the castle to aid Beast. However, Gaston saw them when he attacks Beast, who isn't fighting back, his dark aura grows stronger and summons a Malicious Reindeer Heartless to attack them. The player tell him and Belle to go on ahead while taking care the enemy. After the death of Gaston and the Beast has regained his human appearance, Maurice observed cheerfully Beauty and Prince Adam dancing in the ballroom.
Kingdom Hearts II
Maurice first appears in Walt Disney's Academy Award winning film, Beauty and the Beast.