This page contains a list of quotes said by Xigbar during the course of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance.

Cutscene Quotes

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • "Hey, Roxas. Welcome to the program, as they say."
    welcoming Roxas to the Organization.
  • "Get practicing so you can make yourself useful."
    talking to Roxas in the Grey Area.
  • "It's nice in here with the loudmouths gone."
    during a conversation in Day 22.
  • "Xion, of course. Who else, kiddo?"
    introducing Xion to Roxas.
  • "We sent a total of six members over to Castle Oblivion. That's about half our number."
    explaining some of the members going to Castle Oblivion.
  • "Okay? As if. Word has it at least one of the folks we sent to Castle Oblivion has been terminated."
    saying that one of the members has been killed.
  • "No buts. There's work to be done. Get yourself ready."
    preparing Roxas for his next mission.
  • "Well, good morning, sunshine. During your beauty nap, we found out the whole Castle Oblivion team is toast."
    saying that all of the members in Castle Oblivion are annihilated.
  • "If they're gone, they're gone. No point in crying over split milk."
    talking to Roxas about the fallen members.
  • "You gotta admit, the castle's a lot quieter. Half as loud, you might say. But I could get used to a smaller, more tightly knit group, how 'bout you?"
    talking about the lack of members in the headquarters.
  • "Lucky you. Heh heh, now you get to double your hours to help pick up the slack."
    saying that Demyx has to pick up the slack.
  • "There it is, right out that window: Kingdom Hearts. What do you make of it?"
    talking about Kingdom Hearts.
  • "Today you get to work with me, tiger."
    saying that Roxas needs to help him in the next mission.
  • "Heh! You like "kiddo" better? Or maybe you're mad because Poppet got the best nickname?"
    talking about Roxas's nickname.
  • "Bingo. You know somebody turns into a Heartless if the darkness gets their heart, right? Well, say this person's heart is strong--real strong. Sometimes, you wind up with a sort of byproduct: a Nobody. Take the strongest of those--the real cream of the crop--stick 'em in a room, and you've got us: the Organization."
    explaining how Nobodies are made to Roxas.
  • "As if, I just don't want to get in the way of your valuable training. I care about your future, Roxas."
    before bailing on Roxas in one of the missions.
  • "I sure hope Poppet pulls through. That was one tough mission she got stuck with."
    talking about Xion's mission.
  • "Good to have Poppet back, eh?"
    when Xion returns back to the Organization.
  • "Of all the faces... Why do I look at her and see yours? Do you always have to stare at me like I just drowned your goldfish?"
    while talking about how Xion looks like Ventus.
  • "Sora is having a powerful effect on her."
    talking to the remaining members in the Round Room.
  • "As if. Your friend sat there sucking his thumb while Xion walked right off. ... I'm going back to my room."
    talking about Roxas to Axel.
  • "The Replica Program was one of our little pet projects."
    talking about the Replica Program.
  • "So now we just sweep it all up? Heh... As if."
    his final words in Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days.

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX

  • "The hearts remain. And then those hearts gather together to form the great Kingdom Hearts."
    explaining to Roxas in Agrabah about the Heartless.
  • "What's there to leave behind? We're not even supposed to "be" in the first place."
    when Roxas asks Xigbar about what Nobodies leave behind.
  • "Nothing's left of them."
    when Roxas asks him about Castle Oblivion's members leaving something behind upon destruction.
  • "You coming?"
    preparing to leave Agrabah.
  • "Ha ha. Where oh where could she be?"
    talking about Naminé.
  • "And you expect us to believe you really don't know who it was? As if. Little Poppet is turning into a problem."
  • "Sora has a pretty powerful effect on her. It's all I'm saying."
  • "Ha ha ha! What a blast from the past."
  • "Of all the faces, why do I look at her and see yours? Why is it that you always have to glare at me like that?"
    seeing someone familiar through Xion.
  • "I'll give him that. Can't toss the blame around."
  • "She flew the coop. Flamesilocks here couldn't trouble himself to clip her wings."
  • "Talking about the Replica Program. Isn't it obvious?"

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "Oopsy-daisy!"
    meeting Sora in Hollow Bastion.
  • "Now do you think that's polite, shutting me down like that?"
    talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.
  • "As if! You can talk all you want, but that won't change a thing."
    talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.
  • "See, that would work - if I were just any old dude. 'Cept I'm not. I'm with the Organization. Nothing "any old" about me."
    talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.
  • "Oh, dear. I think you got the wrong impression."
    talking to Sora in Hollow Bastion.
  • "As if! Why don't I remind you how tough the crowd you're dealing with really is?"
    during a conversation with Sora.
  • "That's RIGHT, he used to give me that same exact look!"
    recognizing Sora's glare.
  • "Gee... I just don't know."
    spreading his arms open and falsely challenging to strike Sora.
  • "Be a good boy now!"
    before leaving Hollow Bastion.
  • "No. Never heard of him."
    revealing his face in The Land of Dragons.
  • "Have you been a good boy?"
    upon meeting Sora and company in The World That Never Was.
  • "Oh, it sounds like you haven't. Sora! Roxas!"
    arguing with Sora in The World That Never Was.
  • "You've really put Organization XIII in a pickle. I guess that must be why the Keyblade chose you. But MAN, did it pick a dud this time. You don't look like you're half the hero the others were."
    insulting Sora.
  • "Rambling? As if! All I'm trying to tell you, traitor, is that your time is up!"
    before fighting Sora.
  • "Wouldn't you like to know..."
    before fading away.

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

  • "Give him a chance! Which means he's straight as an arrow. He has a pure heart unlike all of us here."
    - scoffing Xaldin's scoffs and giving his opinions on Sora.
  • "Those were bold words coming from ya! You're going to voluntarily do it when something goes wrong, huh?."
    - scoffing Demyx's plan.
  • "You know what? I don't like that place either. What about you, Zexion? What do you think?"
    - Giving his thoughts on Vexen's statement to Zexion in a flashback.
  • "As if! I'm doing my job. I'll let you know: I've found one yesterday. Mar-something! That places the Organization at 11. And since I've been working so hard, I had Lexeaus take over the job for the day. I want to rest up for tomorrow so that I'll be feeling nice and refreshed."
    - reporting his work to Zexion in a flashback.
  • "Oh, don't be like that. Come on! Stay and talk. Isn't it time you've learned about Xemnas' secret?"
    - offering Zexion a chance to learn about Xehanort in a flashback.
  • "The Chamber of Repose. If you recall, that's where we spent our time researching the darkness residing within peoples' hearts. It's a graveyard when it was sealed by the order of Ansem the Wise. The first thing Xemnas did once we banished Ansem was to undo the seal and build a room on the back. And ever since that day, he crawls into that hole and talks as if he's speaking to someone, a friend. But who? For all I knew he's the only one in the room."
    - Recalling his past memories and voicing his concerns on Xemnas' whereabouts in a flashback.
  • "Not eavesdropping. Couldn't figure out a word he was saying. You wouldn't want know what happened, would ya?"
    - Contradicting Zexion's statement of him eavesdropping in a flashback.
  • "What new facility? Oh, you mean Castle Oblivion? What does Xemnas intend to do with that place anyway?"
    - Voicing his confusion over Xemnas' intentions on castle Oblivion in a flashback.
  • "What does it matter to us, really? Sora couldn't help himself from saving people from the Heartless."
    - scoffing Saix's findings and giving his opinions on Sora's fate.
  • "The house is looking pretty empty, huh? Man, I thought I would get a little enjoyment from watching Axel throw his one last tantrum. But he went out quieter that I thought."
    - upon realizing the fate of the Organization and Axel's death.

Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

  • "We jumped through a lot of hoops to get you here. But it looks as if it's gonna pay off."
    taunting Sora about his arrival in The World That Never Was.
  • "You thought you were off doing some kind of test, right? Well, test this—how come you're wearing the same clothes if you're already back home? You are not gonna wake up, okay? Look—there's no real versus dreams anymore. There's just you, us, and this."
    Xigbar explaining that Sora wasn't in The World That Never Was because of the test.
  • "Ooh, I see you've still got that angry look down. But, here is where I tag out. I got just a few more hoops I gotta jump through."
  • "Pleasant dreams, kiddo."
  • "Oopsy daisy. Wasn't easy putting you into a second sleep, and he almost woke you up."
    After preventing Riku from waking Sora from his deep slumber.
  • "No. That wasn't "stuff," it was a dream. The falling asleep part was definitely our bad. But we can't put stuff in your head. Hey, I got an idea. Ask your heart. See if it's got a clue."
  • "Thank you, Sora's heart, for pushing him right into our clutches. Aren't hearts great? Steer us wrong every time."
    mocking Sora.
  • "It's about time you noticed."
  • "Xemnas and Xehanort formed the Organization for a specific reason—round up a bunch of empty husks, hook them up to Kingdom Hearts, then fill them all with the exact same heart and mind. Translation—they were gonna turn all the members into Xehanort."
    explaining to Sora the true purpose of Organization XIII.
  • "Me? I'm already half Xehanort."
    when Sora asks Xigbar if he's scared about losing his identity to someone else.
  • "Duh! You're strong because of the ties you have with other people. As if the Keyblade would choose a wimp like you. But no pouting. We see much bigger and better things in your future...once you side with us.
  • "Those are just words! You lost! Fine! See where your power gets you here! Xemnas! He's all yours!"
    before Sora's fight against Xemnas.
  • "Axel! You're not suppose to be here!"
    when Lea interferes with Master Xehanort's attempt to convert Sora into his thirteenth vessel.
  • "What now, you old coot? Our time is up!"
    questioning Master Xehanort.

Battle Quotes

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

  • "Hey, not bad!"
    using his Limit Break.
  • "You had your fun?"
    using his Final Limit.

Kingdom Hearts II

  • "You really shouldn't have betrayed us."
    start of the fight.
  • "So what you think?"
    after changing the shape of the battlefield.
  • "New backdrop!"
    after changing the shape of the battlefield.
  • "Take this!"
    after firing the charged projectile.
  • "Heads up!"
    firing his guns through portals of darkness.
  • "Oh, yeah?"
    after recovering from stun.
  • "Gotcha now!"
    starting his "sniper" attack.
  • "You clever little sneak!"
    after being hit 3 times with the "Warp Snipe" Reaction command.
  • "Sora!"
    said at random.
  • "Roxas!"
    said at random.
  • "R for reload!"
    reloading his arrowguns.
  • "Okay, now we're talking!"
    after losing a percentage of his HP.
  • "Take this!"
    firing his big projectile.
  • "Look what I've saved for ya!"
    starting his Desperation Attack.
  • "Movin' out!!"
    exiting his "sniper" attack if Sora fails the "Warp Snipe" multiple times.
  • "You're putting me to sleep, bucko!"
  • "Let's see how you dance."
    starting the last part of his Desperation Attack.
  • "I lost? ME?"
    upon defeat.