I was looking at the Gauges page, and one thing that kind of stuck out to me was how low quality the images are. They were essentially cropped from whatever screenshots you guys could get your hands on (not even extracted from an emulator). However, I recently asked Shard to share some UI images to me (for my own personal use), and looking at them....most of them have pretty much what we need for a clean up. Crisp, clean, HQ. So, with the magical assets Shard has provided, I'm proposing we start phasing out the old images in favor of new ones. I'm also proposing we make them a bit more user friendly to people just browsing this wiki for info. Rather than just have the respective gauges floating, I was thinking of something like this:
Demonstrate the layout and placement of the gauges as well, in addition to them being in high quality. Y'know.....kind of like how they used to do it in video game manuals. Or maybe I'm just a really old codger in that regard... Anyway, what do you guys think? --Webber22 (talk) 04:30, 3 November 2015 (UTC)