The Let's Play is a series of videos hosted on the Kingdom Hearts Wiki's YouTube channel. It is being played and organized by GrandmasterArcturus, with other members of the Kingdom Hearts Wiki and The Keyhole joining in to comment and discuss.

The first and current Let's Play series is of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix as featured in Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 ReMIX.

Current Series

Series 1: Kingdom Hearts Final Mix


Episode 1
What a Dream?!?!
Episode 2
Collecting Supplies
Episode 3
The Incredible Shrinking Sora
Episode 4
Welcome to the Jungle
The adventure begins as GrandmasterArcturus and Chainoffire go through the Dive to the Heart and the first day at the Destiny Islands. GrandmasterArcturus and Chainoffire gather supplies and set sail on their raft...almost. A storm ruins their plans and they end up in Traverse Town. GrandmasterArcturus and Nezzy meet some new friends and kick butt in Traverse Town, then head to the mind-boggling, wonky world that is Wonderland. After clearing the shadows from Wonderland, GrandmasterArcturus and Nezzy head off to the dark jungles of Africa for a meet-and-greet with the local wildlife.
December 16, 2014 December 24, 2014 December 31, 2014 January 14, 2015
Episode 5
Clayton is Toast
Episode 6
What Is The Opposite Of A Gundam?
Episode 7
Headed to Sandland
Episode 8
Taking Care of the Vizier
GrandmasterArcturus and Nezzy complete their jungle extravaganza and put a poacher to justice, before jetting away once more in their Gummi Ship. GrandmasterArcturus and Troisnyx return to Traverse Town to solve the Mystery of the Gummis, and learn of the world's Keyhole, but a Heartless gets in the way. GrandmasterArcturus and TroisEx— Traugh— TNE take off for new frontiers, landing in the sandblasted city-state of Agrabah for a rousing day of TREASURE HUNTING! GrandmasterArcturus, Chainoffire, and Nezzy cram into the Agra-bus to take on a giant tiger and a small parrot. Oh, also an evil magician-turned-genie. Yay!
January 21, 2015 February 1, 2015 February 5, 2015 February 11, 2015
Episode 9
A Whale of a Tale
Episode 10
The Knight of Nightmares
Episode 11
The End of Oogie Boogie
Episode 12
I Never Want To Grow Up!
GrandmasterArcturus, Chainoffire, and Nezzy hop on the Magic School Gummi Ship to learn all about space marine biology. Along the way they save a living puppet and meet a mysterious stran—ha ha, no, it's Riku. GrandmasterArcturus and Nezzy make a heart, navigate a horribly organized cemetery, and head for the crappiest piece of real estate in Halloween Town. Also, they lay the smack on the tiny minions. G-MasterArcturus and Nezzy pay a visit to the World's Most Ridiculous Torture Chamber, then tear down a house. Then it's time to relax! How about a nice ocean cruise? The G-Master and Nezzy team up with the Original "Toys Я Us Kid" and lay the well-deserved smack on the good Captain Hook, in what is the most indoors-y, claustrophobic world of all time. Besides Monstro.
February 18, 2015 February 25, 2015 March 18, 2015 March 27, 2015
Episode 13
Episode 14
Kicking Butt In Hollow Bastion
Episode 15
Vacation Time
Episode 16
Completing Tournies and Hunting Treasure Part 1
Grandmaster-A and NZ journey to Hollow Bastion, a magical realm where everything is controlled with switches, the water makes no sense, your best friend steals your stuff, and the Beast doesn't know how to lift his legs... The G-Master and NZ try starting a new business in exterminating castle pests and testing elevator systems. (Frankly, I don't see much there being much demand for those two things together...) "Man, I'm sick of this friggin' castle. Let's take a break. How about a day at the stadium? And by 'stadium' I mean 'coliseum.' And by 'take a break' I mean 'KICK ALL THE BUTTS!'" Our heroes play to a completely empty coliseum, thoroughly humiliate Hercules at the one thing he's good at, and begin rounding up all the chests EVERYWHERE.
April 1, 2015 April 8, 2015 April 15, 2015 April 22, 2015
Episode 17
Hunting Treasure Part 2
Episode 18
Hunting Treasure Part 3
Episode 19
Hunting Treasure Part 4
Episode 20
Hunting Treasure Part 5
Treasure chests! Secrets! Gimmicks! More things! Excitement! There shall be no end!! GMA and UC continue the hunt for treasure, trinities, and other such secrets that Kingdom Hearts Final Mix has to hold! This time we pick up all the treasures/trinities in Monstro and Halloween Town. Time to finish our treasure and trinity hunt and head to Atlantica to see what's going on there.
May 27, 2015 May 17, 2015 May 20, 2015 May 22, 2015
Episode 21
Cleaning Up The Sea
Time to take on the worst foes of Atlantica, in no particular order: shark, octopus lady, currents, bad controls, bad parenting. (Some of Almost all of these are only temporary victories...)
May 27, 2015