Template:InfoBoss The Dark Thorn is a Kingdom Hearts II heartless boss. It was created when the Shadow Stalker becomes unbound by it's chains. It is the final boss of the first visit to Beast's Castle.
The Dark Thorn has the ability to turn invisible. Its invisibility is not very effective though, as a dim outline of the creature can still be seen and Sora can still target it, much like he could with the Stealth Sneak. Also, when invisible, the Dark Thorn is much faster. The only way to restore its visibility is to crush a large object on it, the chandelier being the object Sora uses when fighting it.
Dark Thorn's attacks are primarily physical. It also bears a strong resemblance to Ifrit from the Final Fantasy series.
Journal Entry
A liberated version of Shadow Stalker that appeared in Beast's Castle.
It appeared and disappeared while running wild, creating a chaotic battle for Sora and his friends.
- Claw Attack - Damage x1
- Dark Servant (Dark attack) - Damage x1
- Swing Around - Swing Damage x0 / Throw Damage x1.5
- Chandelier Attack - Fall Damage x1.5 / Spin Damage x2
- Throws you at pillar- unknown
This boss battle would be relatively if it wasn't directly after the Shadow Stalker (giving no time to save and recover in between). This battle, notably, takes less strategy than the Shadow Stalker and more straight forward attacking. Despite the fact that it turns invisible, it is still able to be locked on to - this is a big help in the battle. However, you still want to turn it visible again, because it gets faster when it is invisible. You do this by getting close to it and using the Stepvault reaction command. You will jump onto the chandelier, after another command, you will lower it and swing it around in circles - hitting the Dark Thorn and making him visible. After this, the battle gets considerably easier as he moves slower than before. Stacked on top of each other, the Shadow Stalker and Dark Thorn are a tought package, but if you take things one step at a time you should have beaten the battle after only a few tries.
- The Dark Thorn is based of the design of the Summon Ifrit of Final Fantasy X. Notice by many fans of Final Fantasy and was quoted by Nomura.