
Revision as of 19:13, 13 February 2015 by TheFifteenthMember (talk | contribs) (A link to that page definitely needs to be on here somewhere (feel free to reword/move as you see fit).)

The following is a list of editors who have proven themselves worthy of earning positions of prestige in the database. Such positions are awarded to those who continuously show that they are willing to create and write in-depth articles, cover a scope of a project, and/or revert vandalism. Read this page series for more information on the role of staff.

Active staff

This wiki's active staff consists of "Administrators" and "Moderators."

Administrators are able to block vandals, delete files, rollback vandalism and move images. There are two types of Administrators: Sysops, able to do all of the tasks listed, and Bureaucrats, able to perform all tasks listed as well as change the rights of a user. Administrators in gold are Bureaucrats.

Moderators are users who have been granted additional rights by bureaucrats. Though they are equal to other users in terms of editorial responsibilities, they are especially trusted to keep articles and files in good maintenance and safe from vandalism and bad-faith edits. Moderators are able to rollback consecutive edits to a previously better revision, edit fully protected pages, move articles without being suppressed by spam restrictions, move files to new names, as well as suppress redirects from being created after pagemoves.

Developers are users who help maintain the site itself, unlike the other staff who maintain the wiki's articles and content. They are the true staff in regards to the wiki's functions, and know of the wiki's capabilities as a website. In other words, they could be seen as the wiki's technicians.

Temporarily inactive staff appear in grayscale. They are not in a reliable position to solve Wiki matters quickly, so any issues that arise should be taken to an active staff member's awareness.

Neumannz maggosh
NinjaSheik ShardofTruth Xion4ever *Erry KeybladeSpyMaster

LevL UnknownChaser


Offsite staff

This wiki has several offshoots—a YouTube channel, a Twitter channel, a Facebook account, and a deviantART group. The editors listed below run these accounts; if you have a question about one of those accounts, please contact them. Even though these editors run the off-wiki accounts, they do not necessarily have staff powers on the wiki, and as such, should not be given requests that are appropriate for staff.

Pea14733 Xion4ever Troisnyxetienne

Pea14733 Xion4ever KeybladeSpyMaster

UnknownChaser Troisnyxetienne


Retired and Inactive Staff

Please visit this page to see all of the retired staff who worked hard to make the wiki what it is today.

Schedule of availability

The following tables indicate when the respective staff member will usually be active. Active staff will monitor the IRC, and be available for questions on the wiki. The staff members are not required to be active during those times, and these tables should only be used as a guideline.