Neumannz's suggestion sounds fine to me on the naming/words to use. As for KSM's rough draft: In general, what you have written looks great to me. As for your question on elections... There was no real/formal election season. In the past, generally an election would happen for one or two reasons- keep in mind that our community was much larger back then, too. The first was that the Wiki needed help on things available only to the staff- deletions, moving articles, rollback, etc. The second was for additional/more community like things, such as banning (we used to have a ton of vandals) or the majority of staff members being inactive. These reasons are also generally why we would bump an existing staff member up as well. I don't think we should necessarily set or force a time elections are held. Perhaps a rephrase of "Elections, as well as promotions for existing staff members, are held <insert reasons here*>." * = reasons I listed earlier.
Maybe I overlooked it, but did FM's/the other forum's idea of "If an inactive staff member wants their position back they must undergo a two month probation period in which the user must show that they are both active and responsible of holding their powers again." ever make it on the draft?
Also, have you checked this out? I'm seeing some similarities between the two. Either way, perhaps this could be thrown in somewhere? One final thing, just to clear the air right from the start. Is there anything we need to specifically outline/describe/explain in detail under the "expectations" section? Naturally, we're all going to have some minor differences here and there, but, in general, our views should already line up pretty closely.