Yoo your garen template is broken man, you left {{{artwork}}} instead of changing it to {{{Garen}}} :P
Favorite champ eh? Well I have two which I love the most out of any other. The first one is Renek, I learned to play him mid season 4 and ended loving him. His kit, skins, lane potential, basically everything is amazing about him and you will probably see me playing him very often top. Err well on my main account only, I've yet to get him in my smurfs hehe. My other favorite champ is Voli cause he was my first champ I played and he was absolutely amazing for me, heck he even was my first champ I got a skin for.
I see that you play garen a lot and by fortune he is both a top champ and someone I tend to play constantly so I'll see if I can come up with some more tips and guides for you. Although I do recommend you learn other champs and other lanes, you wont be able to get top all of the games once you level up more.