Eternal Nothingness XIII Pity to be so ignorant. As you're only able to see the surface of things, I should not expect you to appreciate my true might. — 20:45, 9 January 2015 (UTC)
Yeah, I misinterpreted the roundtable last night when I started the rough drafts. That's why the first thing I did when I logged in this morning was put together that table. While we do have multiple cutscene images, I find that many of them are unsatisfactory in comparison to others, as well as that some of them aren't that good at illustrating the cutscenes as they could be. I feel like KHHD and KHIIHD screenshots should be used, since those images are the most recent and high-quality; the images we use do not necessarily have to be from the game in question. So what you're suggesting is kinda like the idea I had for a "Memorable Moments" section. What should we do for games like 358/2 Days and Re:coded, given their movie versions?