Lux are particles of light that appear in Kingdom Hearts χ. They are gained by defeating Heartless and are used to rank players on a weekly basis, resulting in the availability of more prizes, which increase in rarity depending on how much Lux has been collected.
There are several factors that can influence the amount of Lux that is collectable. Every assist card the player uses increases the drop rate of Lux by a small amount; this depends upon the used assist card's level. Five times a day, "Lux Time Up" occurs; this period lasts one hour and automatically doubles the amount of Lux earned when the player defeats Heartless. Another factor that influences the amount of Lux the player can obtain is the Lux rate settled upon at the end of each week, when the five Unions are ranked. The Unions that come in first, second, and third place maintain a Lux drop rate of x1.0, while the two Unions who place last receive an increased Lux drop rate of x1.1.