This page contains a list of quotes said by Jack Sparrow during the course of Kingdom Hearts II.
Cutscene Quotes
Kingdom Hearts II
- "Then she's long gone. The Black Pearl is nigh uncatchable. Best find yourself another girl, mate."
— upon meeting him. - "Captain Jack Sparrow, if you please."
— introducing himself to Sora and company. - "You'll have to win fair lady's heart alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me."
— talking to Will Turner. - "That would be short for William, I imagine. No doubt named for your father, eh?"
— talking to Will Turner. - "It'll be she that leads us to the Isla de Muerta---where Barbossa's headed. Savvy?"
— talking about his compass. - "Ah, lad... He and I once had our eyes on a treasure---Aztec gold. 'Twas hidden on the Isla de Muerta. But he turned traitor and stole my ship.
— talking about himself and Barbossa. - "Treasure's already his. So's the curse upon it. I've no desire for such treacherous spoils. But I will have back what's mine- the Black Pearl."
- talking about Barbossa and the Back Pearl. - "You're to guard the ship, o' course. It's a task given only to the bravest of pirates."
— ordering Sora and company. - "Have I ever given you reason not to trust me? Stay here... and try not to do anything stupid."
— talking to Will. - "When you sailed away in my ship and marooned me on that godforsaken spit of land, with naught but a pistol and a single shot, you forgot one very important thing, mate. I'm Captain Jack Sparrow."
— talking to Barbossa. - "First, we've got to see to the gunpowder. I'm not about to lose this ship!"
— after untying the ropes. - "That's the second time I've had to watch that man sail away with my ship. But I'll be havin' her back soon enough."
— when Barbossa fled to Isla de Muerta. - "Right! Care to surrender, Barbossa?"
— upon defeating Barbossa. - "What say you we call it---a draw?"
— after shooting Barbossa. - "I didn't want ye hittin' me again, mate."
— talking to Will. - "Zola! Some assistance!"
— upon meeting him in the second visit. - "Some scallywag must've got greedy. Oh, I see... You don't trust me, do you?"
— talking about the cursed pirates. - "Aye, there it is. If you'll be wanting him rescued, best do it alone, lass."
— talking to Elizabeth Swann. - "Pardon me, lads and lass, but your captain will have no monsters today. Thank ye. We're turning for home."
— talking to Elizabeth about turning back to Port Royal. - "I don't want to hear about any monsters or curses. I'm taking this ship out, so hurry to your posts."
- wanting to turn back to Port Royal. - "Don't remember invitin' you."
— before the mysterious figure appears. - "It's a bit of a pirates' code. Anyone who invokes "parley" must not be harmed 'til negotiations are complete."
— explaining "parley" to Sora and company. - "Perhaps I got a tough o' somethin' from that monster what attacked us. Yet, why's the skin restin' right on you three?"
— talking to Sora and company. - "Quit yammerin', mates! We've got to find ourselves a ship that'll float."
—talking to Sora and company about needing a ship. - "If someone declares parley, a pirate must cease hostilities and negotiate. That's just the way it is. Even pirates have a code."
- talking to Sora and company about parley. - "Ridiculous imitation---and yet, I'm flattered."
— talking about Elizabeth's bad imitation. - "But where's the chest?"
— wondering where the Aztec chest is. - "No, they're bringin' 'em flowers, mate. I don't know who these Organizers are, but I will say they're makin' we pirates look like proper gents."
— discussing with Sora and company. - " Oh, I've no worries, then."
— before fighting Grim Reaper. - "Just who was that chap?"
— wondering who Luxord is. - "It's certain we don't need the likes of that hooded fellow and the Heartless about. They'll ruin the market for us true pirates."
— after dropping the chest to the bottom of the ocean. - "That lovely blade of Sora's."
— wanting Sora's keyblade. - "That I do. But someday, I'll gather a blood-thirsty crew, and come to take that blade. Chance by then I'll have the way to wield it. And if I succeed, I'll ask you two to join me. That'd be reward enough."
— talking about getting Sora's keyblade. - "Are not!"
— when Goofy says Sora and Jack seems alike.
Action Quotes
- "Sora!"
— when supporting Sora - "Donald!"
— when supporting Donald - "Goofy!"
— when supporting Goofy - "Heh heh."
— when supporting himself - "So kind of you."
— when supported or using Twin Counter - "Very well!"
— when switched into the party - "Right you are!"
— when finishing Treasure Isle - "There!"
— when attacking - "That hurt."
— when receiving knock-back damage - "So you want to be a pirate, eh?"
— when using Sonic Dive - "Beg your pardon?"
— when falling into low health - "Oh, well..."
- when knocked out - "You miss me?"
- when revived