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Episode 4: A Giant Shadow

Revision as of 17:54, 3 June 2014 by DogLover314 (talk | contribs)
« Kingdom Hearts Episode 4 »
Publisher Tokyopop
Yen Press
First published October 2005 (TP)
May 2013 (YP)
Cover date October 2005 (TP)
May 2013 (YP)
Written by Shiro Amano
Letters by Adriana Rivera (TP)
Terri Delgado, Alyssa Blakeslee (YP)
Edits by Alexis Kirsch (TP)
Continuity Manga continuity
Chronology Kingdom Hearts


With the Keyblade in hand, Sora becomes more confused than ever before. A Darkside then appears before him and Sora flees for his life, when a voice tells him not to be afraid. Sora decides to stand and fight, proclaiming "Don't mess with me! I've been sword fighting with Riku for ages!" After fighting the shadows, to seamlessly no end, Sora realizes he needs to take down "the big one". He then leaps into the air, striking the Darkside in the head and defeating it with one, single blow.

Featured characters

(Numbers indicate order of appearance.)

Entelechies Heartless
Destiny Islands


Continuity errors

  • The episode's title "Giant Shadow" references the giant Heartless Sora battles in this chapter, although the proper name for this enemy is Darkside.

Artistic errors

  • None yet identified.

Items of note

  • Sora is able to destroy the Darkside with one swing of the Keyblade, but in the game it takes multiple blows to dismantle this foe.

Dubbing changes

Kingdom Hearts references

  • None yet identified.

Real-world references

When you encounter a giant enemy, aim for the eye. No one can train one's eyes...--Exerpt from "Battle with the Bengal Tiger" written by boxer Shihoro Okada.

Miscellaneous trivia
