File:Synch Blade.gif
Roxas performing Synch Blade with Oathkeeper and Oblivion.

Synch Blade is an ability which allows a Keyblade wielder to summon another Keyblade during battle. So far, the only characters to use this are Roxas, who can use this ability to summon his two Keyblades, the Oathkeeper & Oblivion, and Sora while in Valor Form, Master Form, and Final Form.

Roxas gained the ability to use Synch Blade after defeating Xion, giving him the ability to wield both Keyblades. They are both technically Sora's keyblades, and Roxas possesses all of his abilities, so the Keyblades are his to use as well.

Learning Synch Blade

Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Other appearances

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

While Synch Blade is not an ability outright, Roxas can wield two Keyblades in Story Mode on Day 358, and in Mission Mode by equipping Zero Gear with three Ability Units.

Notes and references