Okay, we could definitely host it on both sites! There's quite a bit of code left to do, considering we've reskinned the project and modified parts. Also, I still think the "game tasks" isn't a good idea because I doubt anyone will appreciate us telling them what to do in a game. Really, most people have played their KH games already, so unless anyone can think of some good ones, the challenges will be a rather useless space. If we do that, the "only business" element would've went so we could move the tasks to the relevant Wiki report pages.
Question: Can someone elaborate on the Round Room and user interview ideas? What sorts of things could we do?
Also, I'd like to remind everyone that we shouldn't bite off more than we can chew. We'll need to be writing quite a few articles later on so I'm hoping everyone is thinking of ideas. I'm afraid the "Sign-Up" sheet is putting people off so I think I'll restructure it in a way that people can post their ideas/drafts for each page and then the writers can take it from there. Hopefully, that doesn't force editors to have a massive commitment but still lets them contribute at some level, which is better than nothing. That'd be needed to write every issue so we probably need a page in the "KHWiki:" space, like the Votes for Featured Media. We need a place where both Keyhole and '.com users can discuss together, though.
On a final note: If we're releasing each issue after every three months, we'll need to divide the year into quarters. The simplest way to do that is releasing an issue on every January, April, July and October. Considering E3 is mid-June, I'm hoping our first issue will be ready for the coming July and that leaves us over two months. If we spend the first month going over formats and writing the magazine template, we can start writing content and recording the podcast in the second month. Do you guys think that's an achievable target?