- Overlay commands: check the manual to see if it gives a name to these; the hint scroll is not what we use as definitive canon. Tables should not include images of the ability being performed; instead, they should give the basic description of the ability and link to a true article which does include an animated .gif. (This goes for Reality Shifts, too: the table should no longer have those images!)
- Compiled commands: Compiled commands have a HUGE system of mechanics that I'm not sure can be covered in any way but just copying the tables to the wiki on a dedicated "Compiled commands" page. I can try taking pictures if it will help, but...I am completely flummoxed on how to make a list of "ingredients" like we usually do. If we did do a list, it would be long as hell and the tables would still be easier to read. So maybe we do both? The basic description table should be on Command Matrix with links to the main overview, though. Each command should ALSO have a dedicated ability page with gif, though.
- Licenses: I have no idea how licenses work in coded, and for Re:coded, I have only slightly better idea.
- Donald and Goofy, Spinner Ray: Basic description table on Command Matrix, possibly split out to dedicated mechanics page if necessary. Each command should ALSO have a dedicated ability page with gif, though.
- Drag 'n' Drop: Dedicated page, not sure which list to place it on if any.
- Reaction Commands: I am of the opinion that these should start being split off to individual ability pages now. They should have their own images anyway, so it shouldn't be a problem, and many of them overlap with regular abilities and have already been split off. The page we have now should be rewritten as an abilities-style table with "Name", "Description", and "Trigger". Check the KH2 Bradygames or Ultimania for backup on those. "Reaction Commands" from other games should get similar treatment, but see if we can get official stats for those from any source.
- What counts as an ability: For sure, anything that could be visualized with an animated gif. For Licenses, I believe they could get the same, but it's also a very Days-elements type situation where it the mechanics are so embryonic that a myriad of pages may not be justified, and besides, we still leave the Days ability-modifiers merged in. As long as the redirects are still set up as if they were unique ability pages, I would personally be fine with a merged page.
- OC random battle mechanics: It may be a good idea to have separate pages on the "Inside the Keyhole" mechanics for each world: side-scrolling, rail-shooter, turn-based-battle, and hoo--fourth option.
- Rare Prize Blox: These should be created on each world's Game: page, and treated the same as treasure chests were.
- OC special attacks: Definitely a separate page, they act as a replacement for your selected compiled commands so they should probably still be listed on Command Matrix.
- All action abilities should receive their own page, as should most support abilities. Redirects straight to a character's ability section are relics from when we thought we should cover action abilities as part of a character's ability sections, but the explosion of shared abilities in later games has made this infeasible. Goofy Bash is wrong.