Talk:Country of the Musketeers

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Revision as of 08:07, 14 June 2013 by Neo Bahamut (talk | contribs) (→‎somebody likes france)
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In anticipationEdit

The Country of the Musketeer: カントリー・オブ・ザ・マスケティア


UxieLover1994 Cuando la vida te da las herramientas, a construir motos libración — 05:47, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
480MS.png So, they have decided to baise a world on the film Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers? Or does it have something to do with Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion (they're to star in their own movie soon, y'know)? It's just a sugestion.

EDIT: Seriously? They finally decided to do a world baised on the 2004 Musketeer film? Guess that means Donald and Goofy are to get one new costume each (add to the collection...). I wonder for Sora and Riku: will one of them fill Mickey's part as the trio's "Cobalion"? (I know Sora would, y'know).

I changed this box from Sora to Zoe, just to make things easier to read, y'know.

somebody likes franceEdit

Isn't this, like, the third world set in France? Also, I think this is the first time two worlds in one game are set in basically the same geographical location. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 06:17, 15 December 2011 (UTC)

UxieLover1994 Tiempo de morder de nuevo con el poder! El tema de hoy: su sorpresa! — 06:50, 15 December 2011 (UTC)
710MS.png Let's see...

Beast's Castle, La Cité des Cloches, Country of the Musketeers. All three are set in France. However, CotM seems to be set during the 18th century (since Donald was almost beheaded by a guillotine in the film), while LCdC seems to be set eariler. Beast's Castle seems to be set in the 19th century. I wonder if CotM is going to be another "location" for Disney Castle (we've already seen Timeless River and Disney Town).

I don't think it can be another location for Disney Castle, because DC isn't "sleeping". It seems SE is grasping at straws here, especially because the film wasn't one of Disney's best ones (to put it nicely). --ShardofTruth 11:21, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
It wasn't that bad, but in all fairness, can you blame them for grasping at straws, I mean they said they would do all new disney worlds, but let's face it, how many good Disney movies are there left to use?--ShadowsTwilight  12:48, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
Well, there's the world with the remaining Disney Princess (prior to 2006), plus we never got to see where Stitch ended up at. Since he's found in Radiant Garden in KHII, it's possibe that Lilo/Yuna's world might appear. Plus some live-action films have gotten into the series, so there's a chance that the chalk world from Mary Poppins might appear (I hope not. I'd hate to see what Sora and Riku would wear, and it would have to be baised during the Victorian Era, y'know). UxieLover1994 13:11, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
I think that depends on the other unannounced worlds appearing in KH3D. KH worked without Sora been able to visit DC, that's why I'm wondering, if it's such a good idea to include a "3rd class world" just for the Disney characters to appear. A better alternative would have been "The Prince and the Pauper". --ShardofTruth 13:21, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
"The Prince and the Pauper"? You mean the one where Mickey switches identity with a prince that resembles him? Or is there another animated version? UxieLover1994 13:31, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
Y'know, Uxie, not all worlds will have forms, clearly Riku and Sora will not be wearing Victorian clothing. When you said you were the fun one on the lane, who was your competition? The mailbox? - Erry 14:18, 16 December 2011 (UTC)
So far, only five have forms for Sora, and six for Donald and Goofy. Most worlds don't have forms, and I doubt any worlds in DDD will add a new form. But what about KHIII? We'll leave that for another day. UxieLover1994 16:33, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

Y'know, there IS a possibility CotM is another past version of Disney Castle. Who knows, maybe Mickey got to be a king because he saved Minnie, foiled Pete's plan, blah blah you know how it goes.  The17master  18:06, 16 December 2011 (UTC)

I'd say there's a good chance of that. Consider, the Mysterious Tower isn't asleep, Mickey is not a native of that world, & was not even in it when it was swallowed by darkness. Yet a dream version of Mickey appears in the Mysterious Tower in the Realm of Sleep to transport you to the Symphony of Sorcery. It's a bit of a fantastical, circuitous story, but this is a Disney/FF crossover, it would be weirder if it wasn't. The alternative is that a world with people identical to the residents of Disney Castle exists, which they might yet do considering they've already explored reanimation, dreams within dreams, digitization, & time travel, among other things, but it hasn't happened yet.Neo Bahamut (talk) 08:07, 14 June 2013 (UTC)


The World Logo says "The Country of Musketeers", not "Country of the Musketeers".

Trust me, you're just looking at it wrong. The "the" is on the second line. --Neumannz, The Dark Falcon 14:33, 25 March 2012 (UTC)
Hmm... I suppose you're right - JTD95 15:42, 25 March 2012 (UTC)

Hidden InfoEdit

Pardon, but I must ask, why is the KH3D info hidden? - 01:28, 5 October 2012 (UTC)

It's need to be written properly. It's hidden because it's kinda like a "rough draft".--NinjaSheik 01:30, 5 October 2012 (UTC)