Who am I?

I'm a kid who doesn't really feel socially accepted by most people, but I like to have fun with my friends and work on wiki stuff. My love for the KIngdom Hearts series brought me here. So that's me. Good night everybody.

My "Friends"

Absolutely NO ONE

Don't pay attention to this

Template:Namespace {{TalkTextTest2 |image= (This line is optional) |color= black |color2= grey |color3= |top-section=Wow, KeeperOFOathKeePER, you really are dumb. At least you're not some weird random guy |namecolor= (This line is optional. If not included, the textcolor field will be used) |namefonttype= (This line is optional. If not included, the fonttype field will be used) |textcolor= snow |textcolor2= white |line= (This line is optional. If not included, there will be no line) |line2= (This line is optional. Only needed if color3 is used. If not used, color3 will be) |border= (This line is optional. If not included, the border will be gray) |border2= (This line is optional. If not included, the border field will be used) |border3= (This line is optional. If not included, the border2 field will be used) |fonttype= Monotype Cursiva |name=mything |nick= (This line is optional, and only need filled in if you wish to use a nickname, rather than your user name.) |sig= --What about Oblivion? (talk) 01:18, 2 June 2013 (UTC) |time={{{time}}} |text=I'm not sure if this will work