Terra, Ventus, Aqua and Master Eraqus

ShardofTruth Once you believe, truth and lie are quite the same thing. — 11:48, 23 July 2012 (UTC)
  They all have an "X" on their clothes, according to BBS Ultimania interview this was a design decision:

Did deciding on the three main character’s design go smoothly?
Nomura: No, I had a relatively hard time with that. Especially with those three armored suits they transform into, when I was first designing them I had decided that it'd be "armor that becomes a round device." However thinking of how to incorporate that sort of device into clothing was difficult. But once "X" became a keyword for this story, the shape of that symbol became inspiration for the main three's outfits.
That's especially interesting because Master Xehanort itself doesn't bear a X on his chest, so was the X purly an inspiration or is there more to it, so all four of them should be menetioned in the article?

I doubt that the whole "Xehanorts can see everything you're doing because you're wearing an X" plot device wasn't thought up until DDD

Saïx's Scar

Given the revelations regarding the X on Sora's KH3D outfit and the connections that the letter itself has with Xehanort and his machinations, is it unlikely that Saïx's X-shaped scar is his own Recusant's Sigil, marking his changing into a Xehanort clone? 23:38, 28 August 2012 (UTC)

He already had the X during Days and KHII, and the original plan was for him, along with the rest of Org 13 sans Xemnas to become Xehanort clones. Erry uEPKV.png 02:11, 29 August 2012 (UTC)


Should this not be deleted since we have Symbols of the Kingdom Hearts series. TheFifteenthMember 18:42, 11 May 2013 (UTC)