
Hey Roxxy. It be raxi! sal's sis. found ya Raxime.L.S. (talk) 17:07, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

HiRoxx the cat (talk) 22:32, 31 December 2012 (UTC) Thanks for helping outRoxx the cat (talk) 22:32, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

About the Chat

Raxime.L.S. - True friends are people you care about, and spend time with, and enjoy that time spent.
TALK - "Not people who are always around you."
Yo, kiddo. Just to remind you, you've gotta put 4 "~"s at the end of each of your chats. it will sign your name.

Your Userpage

Raxime.L.S. - 5, 6, pick up sticks, 7, 8, killing's great!
TALK - "Don't look, or it takes you"
Don't forget to edit your Userpage and add some stuff about yourself there. if your having difficulty deciding what to put, i'll edit it for you again. and feel free to edit anything about what i put in your userpage. After all it is your Userpage.
Raxime.L.S. - When I say something, I expect to be heard.
TALK - And when you hear it, I expect you to listen... Raxime.L.S. (talk) 22:45, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
Be sure to tell me what you want on your user page... and id you need me to edit something you wrote, just tell me. kay?

K Roxx the cat (talk) 22:53, 31 December 2012 (UTC)

New year

Raxime.L.S. - And let the celebration commence...
TALK - woo hoo... Raxime.L.S. (talk) 05:09, 1 January 2013 (UTC)
Happy new year, Hara-san.


Raxime.L.S. - Not quite human, not quite Heartless. Not quite Light, and not quite Darkness.
TALK - Only half of both, but see- a heart is all that's worth to me... Raxime.L.S. (talk) 23:51, 2 January 2013 (UTC)
Do you ever even get on?! Look, I'm trying to help you, but I can't always go out of my way to guide you back you back on track! Kingdom Hearts is something very important to me, And Sal! And I expect you to respect that! You've got to shape up! Not for your sake, but for Sal's! You may not realize it, but your hurting my brother. We have enough problems with that creep Futoshima hanging around him all the time, and you stickin' around too isnt helping either!

I'm going to educate you in the magic of Kingdom Hearts, whether you want to or not! This game has changed our lives forever, and we will never forget it! And now it's your turn to see the light of Kingdom Hearts!

You have been embarked on a Mission. Discription: Finding the truth in your own eyes about the great Kingdom Hearts.

Do you choose to continue? Yes. (X) No. ( )

I'm sorry....I'll try to be consistentRoxx the cat (talk) 00:00, 3 January 2013 (UTC)

...............go ahead yell at me......


Raxime.L.S. - All we ever wanted was a heart...
TALK - Because ours was taken away... Raxime.L.S. (talk) 00:35, 3 January 2013 (UTC)
I'm going to do something much better. You are going to learn properly how to go about this situation. I'm gonna do a little trick, and it's called Discipline.

What's yet to come

TALK - Raxime.L.S. (talk) 02:09, 3 January 2013 (UTC)
This Mission wont certainly be your last. And, I appreciate what you said about me in your Profile. You... made me smile... Which doesnt happen often. Thank you, Hara-san.

Mission 1: The basics

I'm going to be gracious and TELL YOU where and what to look for. Make sure to read each article carefully, because you're going to be quized later. During the quiz, you cannot go back to the articles. Once your done with the Mission, go to my user talk page, MY page, and Comfirm you completed it.


  • Go to games under Navigation on the left hand side of the screen.
  • Scroll down under subcategories and select Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Select again Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
  • Without reading anything, scroll down to the Section 'Story'. In that section, There is a link 'Organization XIII'. Click it.
  • Straight away, there are three paragraphs. They're before the contents. Read the First and Third Paragraph.
  • After you're done, select the first 'Kingdom Hearts' Link, located in the first paragraph.
  • Scroll down to the contents box on the page where you will see another 'Story' Section. In that section, read the articles listed: 1.1 Early History, 1.2 Before Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, 1.3 Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep, and 1.4 Between Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep and Kingdom Hearts.
  • Once you've accomplished that, you've completed your Mission.

You Will Be Quizzed. Raxime.L.S. (talk) 01:46, 3 January 2013 (UTC)

Raxime.L.S. - There's not a moment to waste.
TALK - Raxime.L.S. (talk) 01:40, 4 January 2013 (UTC)
Did I mention your quiz is on Saturday?
TALK - Raxime.L.S. (talk) 21:00, 4 January 2013 (UTC)
Normally, Mission time reschedulement is strictly prohibited. However, i will yet again be gracious. Your Mission Report will be postponed till Sunday. Since it is an obvious inconvenience to you for it to be on Saturday. But on your other missions, You will be expected to know your material by a certain time and capable of taking the text on the day of Report. Got it?

And, if you dont know how something is done, you ask. you don't just keep doing it the wrong way for me to clean up after you. You ask. I noticed that here is not the only time your pride has gotten the best of you. My brother notices it too. When conversing with you, if you didn't hear something, you'd ignore it and continuing with what YOU were saying, Instead of asking what had been said. You say its "a habit", and i say its Pride. Pride is a sin that is not acceptable with my system of order, which you WILL follow. Habits can be broken, and whether or not you want them to be, they will be. So it's time to swallow that pride, and be adjustable to a new system.

Also, not keeping your word is unnacceptable. You said you'd be on consistantly, but ever since you made that vow, you having been on once. I, being the eye witness, Monitering the sites user activity, you have not been on at all, which is the same as lying. Lying wont be tolerated, so fess up, and get ready to break the habit.

Not in the mood this week......yes I know my own issue. I appreciate your opinion honestly and for the record this is on my iPod and I never log off from it. And another thing. Stop bashing my flaws in my face. I heard enough of those from the people in my life. My deepest apologies for seeming inactive it's my iPod.==== Roxx the cat (talk) 01:35, 5 January 2013 (UTC)


TALK - Raxime.L.S. (talk) 01:47, 5 January 2013 (UTC)
Oh? And what are you 'not in the mood for'?

And do beg my pardon, but if i dont tell you whats wrong with you, you cant fix it. Its almost like not asking a question and expecting an answer.