I'm just a fellow gamer who's crazy about kingdom hearts, and takes her gaming to the next 'level'! R.L.Snape~
Okay, just to make this aware so people aren't like 'wha??'. I usually am using my 3DS to access this site, and therefore, does not provide java, flash , etc,. So if you talk to me and i dont respond, it's cuz the respond button isnt there due to my 3ds formatting.
I'm a serious gamer. I play everything from handhelds, to pcs, to tv gaming stations. The games i play are from Horror, to adventure, to puzzles, to mini games. i play them all!
Current favorite game/Game series: Kingdom Hearts saga.
Newest Gaming Franchise: The Slender Man saga (pc horror game )
Favorite Color: black
Favorite Animal: Cat
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Animal That Represents Me: Red Fox
Favorite Kingdom Hearts Game: Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
Though i was torn between 358/2 and Birth By Sleep
Favorite Character: Saïx, Number 7
Favorite Quote From 358/2: 'I'll go. I know C.O. better than anyone else wearing this outfit.' ~Axel to Saix
Beginning My Kingdom Hearts Journey
I had been a video game player all my life. My first gaming system was a Nintendo64 back in 2005, i was about10. Back then, I played games like DocterMario™ and Sonic™ And LooneyToons Adventures™ (which I hated) and MarioQuest or something like that.
My oldest brother always was playing videogames in his room. I never could understand the games. Usually pc games but occasionally, Gameboy Advance games. A bunch of LegendofZelda™ and Pokémon™ games. At that time, i didn't have my own hand held systems. I always borrowed my brother's, and of course, his games. Finally, maybe a year later, i got a game boy advanced and all its little accesories and cords, case, etc., and because i always played Zelda and Golden sun, and whatever, i wanted adventure games. You would think that because the only Kingdom Hearts game for the Gameboy Advance system is Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, that was my first game. Well, no. My first game, which is irrelevant, was Pokemon Sapphire (told you its irrelevant). In 2008, I got my first Kingdom Hearts game. I walked into a GameStop sometime in May, 2009, searching for a new game to play. This, of course, was after i bought a Nintendo DS Hand-held. I looked at the games on the shelves for the DS, and noticed a weird looking game. (i thought it was weird cus it had mickey dressed like a grimreaper on it) Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days. I decided to get the game to see why on earth Mickey was in it. and i'll tell ya, that game had changed my life. (almost to the point where if someone woulda seen my average day back then, theyd think me possessed >.>) Thats how my journey started, but the story has yet to unfold.
Talk bubbles
Raxime.L.S. - All we ever wanted was a heart... TALK - "...because ours was taken from us."
My normal chat bubble and or my 'i'm serious' bubble.
Raxime.L.S. TALK - "The fact that we aren't supposed to exist is just another reason for people to want to eliminate us..." Raxime.L.S. (talk) 19:44, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
My chat bubble for when i'm sad, lonely, or... Antisocial... for when i DO say something when i'm like that.
Raxime.L.S. - True friends are people you care about and spend time with you, and enjoy that time spent. TALK - "not people who are just 'hanging around' with you..." Raxime.L.S. (talk) 20:40, 31 December 2012 (UTC)
Any Axel bubbles i use are with friends. this one means i'm in a fairly good mood.
Raxime.L.S. - I stick forks in electric sockets :D TALK - What? Don't judge me...
Larxene bubbles are also used around friends, but i only use them when i'm in a deviant mood... that- or, a short-tempered/ill-tempered/iWannaGetOnYourNerves mood.
My current friends on this site are:
Roxx the cat
... and thats pretty much it... lol...
I have a lot of hobbies, but they're all similar in a way.
My first hobbie, which i've already mention, is Gaming. My other hobbies are in numerical order:
Costume Designer
Voice Actress (nothing major, so don't be like "OMG!!! So Cool! What are you in?!")
I am a very good problem solver. I'm good at finding the best solution for the best possible outcome. My skill is Reason.
I'm also very observant, and not just. Not only am i observant, i recognize when two 'pieces' don't fit together. So, i find it fair to say my skill is Detectivity.
My top skill, which i have mentioned several places in the Organization XIII quiz below, is Manipulation. Manipulation can't be successful without charisma, acting, slyness, and quick-thinking. So in this case, my skills are:
Instinctive Response
Personal (Kingdom Hearts related) Accomplishments
Bought an exact replica Organization XIII Cloak.
Obtained 3 kh posters and poster frames and hung them in le room.
Forged a legit keyblade. (out of wood and leather straps)
Completed KingdomHearts: Birth By Sleep on normal mode within 2 months. (which really is an accomplishment for me, cuz sometimes, i stall so i wont have to play parts of the game cuz its hard...)
Though i can't think of the rest right now... I'll be sure to update this.
To Do List
-Finish Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 days-
Complete every Mission in 358/2 days perfectly on Hard mode.
Finish Kingdom Hearts: Re coded
Earn special cutscene at the end of Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
Unlock Mickey as a playable character in 358/2 Days
(√) You are not very talkative. i'm not exactly a social butterfly...
(√) You like braingames. The correct answer to this question is 'no, i dont like braingames' because i LOVE them!
(X) People are afraid of you because of your appearance. no... Not at all.
(X) You prefer heavy weapons rather than lighter weapons. Negative... i like to be able to attack as easy as i can move, cuz i has some crappy stamina...
(√) You are very strong. Physically strong. Again, only for a short amount of time... cuz of my forsaken stamina...