KHWiki talk:End of Year Event 2012

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Hey, Erry. Can you explain me where I should put the pictures of my progress? It has to be here, or can I put a link to my Photobucket account? Also, how the timestamp should be and how I can put it? Thanks for the help. - MateusinhoEX - 19:43, 15 November 2012 (UTC)

You can use paint for the timestamp, just make sure to add the date, time and your timezone. You can upload them temporarily onto imgur and I'll copy all the images in a folder on my imgur. Erry 19:00, 15 November 2012 (UTC)
Thanks!! I understood. I will upload them onto my Photobucket account and give you the link. I will make a special album for them, so they will also serve as a remembrance. - MateusinhoEX - 20:26, 15 November 2012 (UTC)

S-Rank all Gummi missions

One question: to complete this objective in Final Mix, I have to complete all EX gummi missions, too? Also, I don't need to get all treasures in the missions, do? Oh, I also wanna ask you something. I know this isn't the right place, but I'm without time, so, can I ask you to translate the Dodge Roll descriptions in KH2FM, for the abilities article? If you have time. Thanks for the help. - MateusinhoEX 12:00, 05 december 2012 (UTC)