Gawrsh, aren't we here because of the picture?
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Yes, the untapped power that lies within you. Now, child, it's time you awakened that power and realized your full potential.
Prime - Maleficent 6★ Medal
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Training Toys are items used in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance to raise and bond with Spirit Dream Eaters. Training Spirits yields various stat boosts, such as Affinity, Link Points, and experience.


Balloon as it appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

The Balloon training toy is a mini-game in which the player and their team of Spirits hit several balloons back-and-forth to one another simultaneously. To hit balloons to their Spirits, the player must tap their silhouettes on the touch screen. Each balloon hit yields three points, and the mini-game ends when no balloons remain.

Water Barrel

Water Barrel as it appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

In the Water Barrel mini-game, a barrel containing a Hugo statuette fills the screen with water, then various prizes and bombs appear while Sora or Riku's Spirits are encased in bubbles. The player is given one minute to maneuver the Spirits to collect as many prizes as possible by tapping the touch screen to either generate a wave that slowly pushes the Spirit away, or to detonate a bomb that quickly pushes the Spirit away. The Spirits can bounce into each other to come to a stop, or into the randomly-appearing treasure chests to open them. After a short period, or once all the prizes are collected, a new configuration of prizes and bombs will appear on screen. Shortly afterward, any remaining prizes will expire. Each prize is worth one point, while each treasure chest is worth ten points. The player can also achieve a "Streak" bonus by collecting all the prizes in a configuration.

Certain aquatic spirits are not encased in bubbles, and will instead swim freely when not being pushed around.

Treasure Goggles

Treasure Goggles as it appears in Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance

The Treasure Goggles training toy is a mini-game in which the player scans their real-world surroundings for treasures that their Spirits can dig up. Treasures include Paint Guns, Potions, Dream Pieces, and more. The player can scan for treasure by pressing  , after which the Scan Gauge must fill back up before it can be used again. The player must be careful, as bombs sometimes dot the area, as well.