Where do they appear, and how often? I'm asking this question because while I was in La Cité des Cloches for my first visit with Riku (yes, I know I'm incredibly slow), there was a white themed Sir Kyroo (A special nightmare dream eater's colour scheme) at the statue inside the building (FORGOT THE NAME LOL). I was about to attack it when i realized that i could talk to it. The dialogue was "Ribbit ribbit! (I Challenge Thee!)" Then followed by the options "I accept!" and "Not Now.". I hit "I accept!" and the fight began. The Sir Kyroo had 8 additional HP bars. Nine if you count the one he had. Obviously, I couldn't win. After a while, the scene changed to the area in front of the statue and the Sir Kyroo did a back flip and disappeared. I tried exiting the area and returning, but he did not respawn. Does anyone know the chances of this happening during regular gameplay? And has anyone else encountered this? Nvache0067 (talk) 01:43, 11 August 2012 (UTC)
Forums: Index > Twilight Town Library > Special nightmare dream eaters