Forum:Notes 15, (KH3D, Final Fantasy Names) - UxieLover1994

Revision as of 13:49, 27 July 2012 by UxieLover1994 (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index > Ansem's Computer > Notes 15, (KH3D, Final Fantasy Names) - UxieLover1994

UxieLover1994 Nya? — 10:31, 27 July 2012 (UTC)
678FMS.png Interesting. Names of several Final Fantasy characters have appeared throughout the game. Some offered me Dream Eater parties...

I've created this to track down who's name appears in the game. I've got a few so far, some of whom really suprised me! Know any others? Put their names here, and link to their KHWiki articles; if they have yet to appear, link to the FFWiki instead.

  • Expect lots because of this game's popularity
  • Auron (La Cité des Cloches; Prankster's Paradise)

As of The Grid. The list will expand.

I was suprised with Balthier's name appearing in the game; I thought it would be only characters who were either from FFVII or were designed by Nomura himself. A hint that FFXII characters might some day make an appearance in the KH series?


  • Balthier's challenge is located in Monstro: Defeat all the Dream Eaters; bonus if Riku links with one of his Dream Eaters.
  • Since Auron can appear in more than one world, there's no doubt others can, as well. Let's see who can be found in The Grid...