This user is a weird person and should not be taken seriously 99% of the time.
(Male)(Age Unknow) I am a great fan of the KH series (Obviously, if I wasn´t I wouldn´t be a registrated user) and currently own: ·KH I ·KH II ·KH Days ·KH:Re Coded And I am seeking for: ·KH: BBS ·KH: DDD (When it is released in Spain)
Playstile(What´s THIS doing here?)
Berserk-rage at the enemies until I have enought HP
·At this point, if HP=Low-> Cure/a/aga, if HP=High-> Offensive Spell.
Name Origin
9H (Nine Hearts) from the fact that it´s the poker card that I recive the most. Share: From the name of one of my fan characters, NOT my original characters. Share9H 21:31, 6 July 2012 (UTC)